Huggles wrote:
It would be a bit more than tolerable if the underbelly was white. I've always hated how they use those two clashing shades of blue for cloud pets.
To be honest, this blue is a perfect match for the cloud hissi but each to their own.
Trick wrote:
Next version of the Maraqua Map!
Click for flash version.Maraquan Petpet shop

I guess this means the pirates lose. T_T
Atjj wrote:
Huggles wrote:
So are they finally going to divide up the petpets at the rock pool and give us real Island petpets? I suppose they day that happens is the day they change the name of the robot pepet shop to the Virtupetpet shop to include the new alien petpets.
Personally, I'd die if they did the Royal hissies like Zoo's, kind of like when they released the faerie lenny after I sold my honey potion for a faerie pteri. I think the faerie hissi should have feathered wings and resemble quetzalcoatl, so I could die a few more times and get rid of those pesky 8 lives.
If they could make it look like this it would be awesome!

O_O! Yeah!!! It better look like that! but then again, someone could just use that as a "fan based" Rainbow Hissi so I don't think the Faerie Hissi idea, will ever get off the ground.
Anoohilator wrote:
"Stupid old king" is more like it but you're probably right

Is it me or was the last ruler of Maraqua a QUEEN? I remember HER being a
Yellow Koi, not a
Blue Koi... And "Scarblade" was a
Skeletal Kiko, not a
Green Lupe.
Silentroar wrote:
Unfortunatly tnt didn't make the faerie hissi look as good as that. They came up with THIS:

also they revamped the baby nimmo. I like it.

Yup, I was right. They're idiots... The hissi must be at the top of the "Ugly Faerie Pets" list. And yeah, the baby Nimmo is cute. X3
Armi wrote:
I don't like faerie Hissi, not one bit. it seems WAY too rushed, IMO. It could have been much better.
Baby nimmo..I'm mixed on it. I mean, it's a tadpole now,but the poses...again rushed.
I'm not a fan of rushed stuff, so I'm not happy with either colors.
Plus on baby Nimmo...TNT needs to redo this BG image.

If you can't tell can't. =/
I don't see why... Because that could be just a "younger" nimmo. Now that we have a "tadpole" version, this can be considered a youngster instead of a baby. Besides, they haven't redone any of the lupe BG's and I doubt they'll ever will.