venetianprincipessa wrote:
Anyone else experiencing this? Everytime I play a game today, I can send my score twice. When I go to send it the third time it says "At this time, the process required to post your score is unavailable for this game! Play again soon!" It's realy choking me right now! ERG!
The only "Glitch" I encountered in a game was a couple of weeks ago when I was playing Escape from Meridell, on the 9th level, where there is a section of the course where there are three (I think) spiked pits right after one another, and three platforms you have to jump across to get by. After them, there is a moving spiked ball that you must avoid. I had 1 life at this point, so I could have lost one and kept playing, but when I got across and tried to move, I fell through the floor and was stuck, the timer stopped, and all I could do was face left and right, I couldn't fly.
I didn't even get to send my score.