Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:
Morningstar wrote:
Ginger, I have a question for you. How do they co-exist? You would think that the carnivore would be attempting to eat the carrot-eater on a continual basis. Is one of them an indoor animal and the other an outdoor animal? Or does the bunny live in a cage with the dog constantly laying in wait--sort of like Sylvester the Cat and Tweety Bird?
Well my dad is a keen carpenter. He made the hutch and the run and made sure that my dog could never get inside either of them while we were away. We've had the rabbit since September 04 and this is the first occasion in which a matter as serious as this one has occured. My dog is an indoor animal though and spends most of her time upstairs. My rabbit stays outside. She only tries to get the rabbit while we're outside and when we're outside we can keep a keen eye open. Of course, we will be EXTRA careful from now on so all is good. We've learned from this experience.
Wow, your rabbit has quite the life. A hutch and a run! I was a bit confused. Because I have never heard of a rabbit run before--but have heard of dog runs. Nice to have a dad who is a carpenter.
And nice that the dog did not eat the rabbit. Because I bet anything that my Australian Kelpie would have--maybe not eaten it, but at least thrown it up in the air a few times for fun. She is the boss of our backyard. Anytime she is let out, she runs at full speed and barks at all of the squirrels/raccoons/birds to let them know that it is time to leave the yard--or else get trounced. Then she sits like a statue and waits for them to return.
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