Day 5
30 alive
16 majority
23 to lock
JellyFish72- 23- Monique, Twizzler0171, cap, Pity Me, Syrill, watericesage, Chipper, Kalathalan, silverblade333, Alex, YesItIsh, Blk Mage, UrthDigger, Ixistant, JayJay, _jaye_, Trinity, Xil, sirclucky, Dawn2, fzun, Stephanie, Khristian ~~~ LOCKED ~~~
SirClucky- 13- Urthdigger, Blk Mage, cap, Alex, Monique, watericesage, Twizzler0171, Ixistant, JayJay, Trinity, Xil, Stephanie, Fizzy
Twizzler0171- 2- Lass, xjox,
cap- 1- Syrill,
Lass- 1- Sirclucky,
NO EXEC- 1- DM was on fire!
Scott walks in and brings everyone back to Conference Room B.
This time, he makes sure to drag JellyFish72 alongside him.
"Well, this time we have JellyFish72 to execute. Maybe it'll work this time."
Scott takes out his gun, aims, and fires. The bullet hits the protective shield of JellyFish72 and continues through it until it hits JellyFish72 in the heart. Blood starts to pour out, as she hits the floor.
Scott looks closely, and under her jacket is a red uniform. "Oh. This must be the last member of the Disgruntled Hotel Staff!"
A loud cheer is heard.
"... but that team hasn't been defeated yet."
"Oh. And I'm going to open up Presentation times again. Please sign up through the Private Message channel and if you've already had one with me, please don't sign up again. I don't want to hear!"
Day 6 (1)
Night 6 (2)
Night 7 (2)
Day 8 (1)
Night 8 (2)
Night 9 (2)
Night 5 begins