Sir Isaac wrote:
Welcome back! It's good to have a new roleplayer onboard ecspecially since I rarely leave the rp board. call me SI.
Oh, CD, I don't think you've met my invisible friend Larry.
Larry: *pokes Abby* dude...It's...a Leprichaun! *hugs abby and runs around in circles while still hugging her*
me: sorry 'bout that, but he's kinda obsessed with Leprichauns ever since I read him Artemis Fowl...
Larry: Leprichaun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ME: YAY Hi Larry!
Abby: NOOOOOOOOO GET AWAY FROM ME! Yeh want me gold don't yeh laddie? WELL YEH CAN'T HAVE IT
Jimmy: *clap and laughs* A NEW FWEIND!
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