Qanda wrote:
bean_jean wrote:
Its only a matter of time until premium is available to everyone who wants it.
The feature that would make me buy the service is the ability to safely transfer pets between my own accounts.
Yeah, I agree with features like this which do not give Premium members advantages over normal ones. They just make life more convenient for Premium members. Unlike suggestions like private restocking servers and increased game payout which will unbalance the game.
Totally agree with both those statements.
I can't think what other feature would induce me to buy Premium *except* the ability to transfer my pets between my accounts without risk of loss.
And it's the sort of feature that it seems appropriate for Premium to have: it makes life a little more pleasant without actually giving a game-playing advantage to Premium members like, say, increased NP-per-game limits or increased-plays-per-day would. (Besides, you think inflation is bad
now, just see what would happen if they did something like increased game plays for Premium members).
I guess I'm thinking of Livejournal: you get some nifty features if you pay, and a lot of people seem willing to, but you can still have a perfectly good and usable journal without it.
That said, I frankly think the ability to transfer pets between your own accounts safely is something that should have been instituted for
all players a long time ago, as well as a way of linking your accounts so that you
can't, even inadvertantly, earn NP on more than one account.
I don't see a 5th pet for Premium members really working: what happens when you stop playing, your pet vanishes? (I guess you could simply move it to another account before quitting.)