I would like it if they would take note of the location of the auto-refreshing. For example, if you are auto-refreshing in the pound when transferring your own pet - that does no harm to anyone, sure transferring isn't allowed but it doesn't actually harm anyone.
Auto-refreshing on pages that get you an avatar - what harm does that do anyone? Auto-refreshing in your inventory for petpetpet attaching - what harm does that do? Auto-refreshing to get the lab ray scientist challenger - ...you get the idea. And why should people be punished for trying to get something that neopets has set up to be gained that way?
The only place where it should be a big deal is in shops as then it could be an auto-buyer rather than an auto-refresher - shops restock at a certain time so you don't need to refresh often to restock from there legitimately. I can't imagine that it would be too difficult for neopets to set it so they can tell where the refreshing is taking place - or to only look for it in shops in the first place.
I don't think that e-mail is real but I do think neopets has to start being an awful lot more fair. They set up situations where to get something that is supposedly easy, like an avatar or battledome challenger or petpetpet attachment, you have to refresh a lot - but in doing so you're scared you'l get frozen for it. That's ludicrous. And this on top of people being scared to be good at flash games in case they are frozen for cheating with absolutely no evidence to prove it.
Neopets needs to get a grip - it's a game site that is meant to be enjoyable. They need to stop punishing the people who stick to the rules for simply enjoying themselves.
Oh and for random events, why don't they just set it so that they are random as you change page rather than just refresh, and when you make a move on nq, pyramids etc rather than just refresh - then there would be no reason at all for refreshing to be a problem outside of the shops. They'd get more page hits and we'd be able to breathe more easily. Or would that be too sensible....