Is anyone else having trouble with the trading post? I'm trying to put up a trade and it's not letting me. I keep getting this message:
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in
/home/neopets/public_html/include/ on line
918Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in
/home/neopets/public_html/include/ on line
919Notice: Undefined variable: badword_lang in
/home/neopets/public_html/neoadmin/ on line
40Warning: Missing argument 2 for check_chain_letter() in
/home/neopets/public_html/ on line
84Warning: Query "INSERT INTO tp_lots (id, owner, offer_count, wishlist, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'jasujo928', 0, 'Thank you very much! ^.^', 1112442072)" failed on my2: Error writing file './db02a-bin.000216' (Errcode: 28) in
/home/neopets/public_html/include/ on line
724Warning: Query "INSERT INTO tp_admin (id, username, wishlist, lang, timestamp) VALUES(0, 'jasujo928', 'Thank you very much! ^.^', 'en', 1112442072)" failed on my2: Error writing file './db02a-bin.000216' (Errcode: 28) in
/home/neopets/public_html/include/ on line
724Warning: Query "UPDATE tp_errors SET error_count = error_count + 1 WHERE error_type = 'create - failed insert id'" failed on my2: Error writing file './db02a-bin.000216' (Errcode: 28) in
/home/neopets/public_html/include/ on line
724Warning: Query "INSERT INTO tp_errors VALUES('create - failed insert id', 1)" failed on my2: Duplicate entry 'create - failed insert id' for key 1 in
/home/neopets/public_html/include/ on line
724ERROR : Sorry. We could not assign an unique ID for this trade!