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PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 2:16 am 
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hey i reallyy hope someone here can help me.

Any type of CD`s i insert in the computer won`t play. There is no response.

i tried going to `my computer` to play the disk, but i noticed that the file to play CD-ROMs is missing. I think it somehow got deleted.

Is there any way where i can retrieve that file so I can play my CD`s again? Oh, and I have a Windows XP Home Edition..

Someone pleaseee help... its been like this for months.. =/ and now I REALLY need it..


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:59 am 
Beyond Godly
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Hi Pink

I'm so non-techie it's a shame. The only things I can think of is either use your system restore (in case you accidentally deleted a file), but you say this has been months - so that might not work.

You could try going to the site of your CD-Rom and see if the driver's there for d/l. I'm guessing that's what you're missing? The driver?

You can also r click on My Computer, Properties, Hardware. Take a look there at the hardware profile of the CD-Rom and you can see if there's a problem immediately and you can also use the wizard to look for new/updated drivers.

I hope that helps a little?

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:44 am 
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I've been having problems with my taskbar. It doesn't appear. Starting 'explorer' when browsing through my Task Manager doesn't work either, it gets me a Windows error.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:00 pm 
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pinksnowflake: go to device manager and delete the driver for the cd rom drive and restart your comp, windows should detect it and reinstall the can also google for an updated driver..just find out what brand your cd-rom drive is and check the manufacturers site.

843: my guess is that you have a spyware problem..get a anti-spyware program like ad-aware or spybot or somethin...could also be a virus

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:12 am 
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Okay. I'm getting a lot of pop-ups (all of them telling me what I already know... geez, you are a result of the spyware that is infecting my computor, of course I have it! :roll: ) lately, and I think I know what is causing it. We run Ad-aware and Spware Blaster (or whatever I run... it is two different things), successfully delete them, and... then they come back. Meh.

Anyways, it has been suggested to me that I go into safe mode and then the Registry or something like that and delete the virus-thingamajig there. What I would like to know is: Is there a safe mode on Windows XP, and, how do I get to it? Would this be the correct thing to do?

I also seem to have a 'Ghost Mouse'. My arrow is surrouned by this little patch of white stuff. It is always there, unless I go somewhere where it is hovering over text or a Set or something. Um, hard to explain, but I know for sure its not supposed to be there. Is there any way to fix this, or have I totally confused you all?

Thanks. :)

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:51 pm 

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Twizzler0171 wrote:
Okay. I'm getting a lot of pop-ups (all of them telling me what I already know... geez, you are a result of the spyware that is infecting my computor, of course I have it! :roll: ) lately, and I think I know what is causing it. We run Ad-aware and Spware Blaster (or whatever I run... it is two different things), successfully delete them, and... then they come back. Meh.

Anyways, it has been suggested to me that I go into safe mode and then the Registry or something like that and delete the virus-thingamajig there. What I would like to know is: Is there a safe mode on Windows XP, and, how do I get to it? Would this be the correct thing to do?

I also seem to have a 'Ghost Mouse'. My arrow is surrouned by this little patch of white stuff. It is always there, unless I go somewhere where it is hovering over text or a Set or something. Um, hard to explain, but I know for sure its not supposed to be there. Is there any way to fix this, or have I totally confused you all?

Thanks. :)

Sounds likea trojan in my opinion, especially the cursor problem. You mite wanna do a virus scan and download HiJack This wich is good for getting rid of stuff down in the registry.


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 4:52 pm 
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Hey, could anyone remind me how to disable the drop-down list that appears when you type something on search engines such as yahoo and others text boxes like that? The kind of list that saves all the words I had entered in the past. I have a new computer and I can't find where to disable it anymore.

Thanks in advance.

Kudos to wonder weezel for making me this cute set. ^_^

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 12:11 am 
PPT Toddler
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Blue Wolf wrote:
Hey, could anyone remind me how to disable the drop-down list that appears when you type something on search engines such as yahoo and others text boxes like that? The kind of list that saves all the words I had entered in the past. I have a new computer and I can't find where to disable it anymore.

Thanks in advance.

I'm going to assume you're using internet explorer. If so, go to Tools. Select Internet Options.... You see on the little tabs on the top? Choose the Content one. In the Personal information box, you should see AutoComplete.... Click on it. Uncheck the forms one. And if you don't want it for usernames and such, uncheck that one too. But the main one you want to uncheck is the forms one. Clear whatever you want to. And then click Okay and Okay again.

Iced - Silver [dot] Net ... now go. And maybe someday I'll actually get up something that resembles a pretty sig.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 3:08 am 
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shavynel wrote:
Blue Wolf wrote:
Hey, could anyone remind me how to disable the drop-down list that appears when you type something on search engines such as yahoo and others text boxes like that? The kind of list that saves all the words I had entered in the past. I have a new computer and I can't find where to disable it anymore.

Thanks in advance.

I'm going to assume you're using internet explorer. If so, go to Tools. Select Internet Options.... You see on the little tabs on the top? Choose the Content one. In the Personal information box, you should see AutoComplete.... Click on it. Uncheck the forms one. And if you don't want it for usernames and such, uncheck that one too. But the main one you want to uncheck is the forms one. Clear whatever you want to. And then click Okay and Okay again.

Ah, that's where I went the wrong direction. I tried to find something in the advanced section. Silly me. Well, thanks alot.

Kudos to wonder weezel for making me this cute set. ^_^

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 5:44 pm 
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Okay, here is the log... there is probably more, but, I couldn't figure out how to get to it? *Feels stupid* Um, if there is anything else you need, tell me how to do them... and links would be appreciated so I know for sure I go to the right site... :P I think I got the correct one here, though... not entirely sure.

HiJackThis! Log wrote:
Logfile of HijackThis v1.98.2
Scan saved at 9:35:43 AM, on 3/14/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccSetMgr.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccEvtMgr.exe
C:\Program Files\Norton AntiVirus\navapsvc.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\New Boundary\PrismXL\PRISMXL.SYS
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\Security Center\SymWSC.exe
C:\Program Files\Norton AntiVirus\SAVScan.exe
C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPLpr.exe
C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
C:\Program Files\Intel\NCS\PROSet\PRONoMgr.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccApp.exe
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\bin\jusched.exe
C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe
C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
C:\DOCUME~1\Krystal\LOCALS~1\Temp\Temporary Directory 1 for hijackthis[1].zip\HijackThis.exe

R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page =
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = res://C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\se.dll/sp.html
R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page =
O2 - BHO: Yahoo! Companion BHO - {02478D38-C3F9-4efb-9B51-7695ECA05670} - C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\ycomp5_5_7_0.dll
O2 - BHO: AcroIEHlprObj Class - {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\ActiveX\AcroIEHelper.dll
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {53707962-6F74-2D53-2644-206D7942484F} - C:\PROGRA~1\SPYBOT~1\SDHelper.dll
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {5C8B2A36-3DB1-42A4-A3CB-D426709BBFEB} - (no file)
O2 - BHO: CNavExtBho Class - {BDF3E430-B101-42AD-A544-FADC6B084872} - C:\Program Files\Norton AntiVirus\NavShExt.dll
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {D1C63393-80C4-4688-A998-C96E639DE3EA} - (no file)
O3 - Toolbar: Norton AntiVirus - {42CDD1BF-3FFB-4238-8AD1-7859DF00B1D6} - C:\Program Files\Norton AntiVirus\NavShExt.dll
O3 - Toolbar: Yahoo! Toolbar - {EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88} - C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\ycomp5_5_7_0.dll
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SynTPLpr] C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPLpr.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SynTPEnh] C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [PRONoMgr.exe] C:\Program Files\Intel\NCS\PROSet\PRONoMgr.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ccApp] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccApp.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NeroFilterCheck] C:\WINDOWS\system32\NeroCheck.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [IgfxTray] C:\WINDOWS\system32\igfxtray.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HotKeysCmds] C:\WINDOWS\system32\hkcmd.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SoundMan] SOUNDMAN.EXE
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\bin\jusched.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [sp] rundll32 C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\se.dll,DllInstall
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [TkBellExe] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Real\Update_OB\realsched.exe" -osboot
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [KernelFaultCheck] %systemroot%\system32\dumprep 0 -k
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [MSMSGS] "C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [doppRiMmT] bidwipes.exe
O4 - Global Startup: Microsoft Office.hta
O8 - Extra context menu item: E&xport to Microsoft Excel - res://C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE/3000
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\bin\npjpi150_01.dll
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Sun Java Console - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\bin\npjpi150_01.dll
O9 - Extra button: Research - {92780B25-18CC-41C8-B9BE-3C9C571A8263} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\OFFICE11\REFIEBAR.DLL
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {CD67F990-D8E9-11d2-98FE-00C0F0318AFE} - (no file)
O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O16 - DPF: {17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700} (Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool) - ... lcid=0x409
O16 - DPF: {C02226EB-A5D7-4B1F-BD7E-635E46C2288D} (Toontown Installer ActiveX Control) -

Oh! And does this only go through my stuff? Because I think the thing originated in my Dad's account... Not sure.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:13 am 
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What's the folder location of system restore?

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 12:53 am 
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Well, this isn't so much of a question as a request, but I figured this would be the best place to take it.

I have a newer Microsoft Publisher file that I received, but I only have MSP 2000. Could someone with a newer version please convert it to a MSP 2000 file, a word document, a web page, or a graphic?

Thanks a million in advance.


(P.S. Don't ask what it's for. I'm not entirely sure.)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:56 pm 
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cat1205123 wrote:
Well, this isn't so much of a question as a request, but I figured this would be the best place to take it.

I have a newer Microsoft Publisher file that I received, but I only have MSP 2000. Could someone with a newer version please convert it to a MSP 2000 file, a word document, a web page, or a graphic?

Thanks a million in advance.


(P.S. Don't ask what it's for. I'm not entirely sure.)

*Nevermind. Got a friend to do it.


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 10:19 am 
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I have a whole bunch of Scrubs episodes in .avi files, but ic an't veiw them because it doesn't have the correct codec or something! It just comes up as a music file and no actual media so I can't see it but I can hear it

What do i do?

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 11:36 am 
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Download DivX.

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