everconfused wrote:
Yes, I did reply to that, and I hope it's true. I am sure that Adam, Donna and the entire staff will be doing everything in their power to ensure that they actually DO make a film true to Neopets (whatever/however that is) and not some icky MLP, SS, etc. tripe that no one would over the age of 8 would want to watch. Nothing wrong with those movies, trust me. They're just not something the general public would rush to see.
However, I don't know how much Adam and Donna can do when faced with a huge company like WB and the "suits" at Neopets - unless they somehow are able to wrest control of the company back (a dream of mine as I am a huge supporter of them and the staff). They sure could run alot of things differently then!
Yeah, we want lots of appeal to the older groups, it's the movie's only hope!
And the comment in bold: That WAY makes two of us. Maybe if the movie's bad enough Mr. Dohring will
pay Donna n' Adam to take the site back
Okay, so one or the other. Amazingly good or bad enough that we get who we want back at the top. Whatever's easiest. I'd prefer the former.