retroguy wrote:
why MUST you have a shop size of 450+....
Well, there are many reasons: To make sure you can hold everything in your mall, and 450 shop size is the bare minimum, most people with very successful malls have shop sizes of 1500+. having a shop size of 450+ ensures that you are on the main market place (, and that is where many new neopets players begin their shopping, and some people already use that daily to get quest items etc.
also many people won't accept you into a mall unless you are atleast this shop size, so they can weed out the people who wouldn't be able to stock their shop to the fullest anyways.
retroguy wrote:
Aren't they just many shops with a link together
Yes, and no. If you just have many shops with a link together, but each shop only contains one or two items, then many people will just leave, because the chances of you having their specific item is slim to none. You must have a wide variety of items in a certain category (books, toys, etc) to even think about making money through a mall. And some people in you r mall may also put other things in their that don't belong, like someone selling books would put in lots of chocolates, when you are the shop doing chocolates, taking away from your profits.
retroguy wrote:
Who would buy stuff for 2 or 3 times the wiz when they can just use wiz or anything else
new members, people who havent discovered the shop wiz yet, and desperate questers on a faerie quest that cant use the shop wiz, but need the item.
retroguy wrote:
like how do u get links to other shops....and make flashy banners?
learn some basic html, and let someone with graphic knowledge create them for you. also adding in how to bookmark this mall would ensure that people come back.
Some succesful malls for example would be:
^hrobi ... dogfriend2
just to name a few. look at their shop sizes, and look how they stock/price their items, and look at their banners.