The Wonder Weezel wrote:
I am reallllllllllllllly hoping adam comes on here to talk about this with us...... this is a serious issue.
There could also be the possibility that they can't talk about it yet, like part of the legal contract they signed.
The Wonder Weezel wrote:
notice that NOBODY on this thread likes the idea of the neopest movie....
Some people have said they like the idea and they hope the movie is done well. I, for one, would really like to see a Neopets movie. I've been looking forward to it for quite sometime now. If it's done well, there shouldn't be a problem. The problem is the very plausible chance that it will not turn out good. Animated or CG movies tread a thin line. If they're not done right, then they're corny. I hope this project is given to the right people and it turns out to be a good movie.
The Wonder Weezel wrote:
then why make it?
Yes, it will make money. I think after working on a site like Neopets for five and a half years, Adam and Donna deserve a bit. No matter how little, they will be getting a share from this movie and I think good for them. I bet if a lot of people were in their shoes, they'd do what they could to make money, if chances were their project would bring in loads, too.
The Wonder Weezel wrote:
So heres my boycotting strategy.
I WILL personally be one of those freaks who sits there opening night of the movie and record it..... im a super hero after all... sometimes, you have to do bad things to do whats right! Then we all download the movie

and vwa lah. Everybody has a copy of it. I paid 5 bucks to see it. 50% to the theater, 20% to the actors, 2% to Dohring,..... in the end, they make $1.63 off of it..... eh.
That's not such a good idea. It's just not cool. If people are going to go through all the work to make this movie, you shouldn't cheat them all out because you are upset about the way a pet site is run. Once it's a movie, it's not just TNT you are screwing out, it's everyone who worked on that movie. I think once it goes to theaters, they deserve every sent they get. If you don't want to see it, fine. I'd rather Neopets, Inc. got all the money it wanted if it meant a better web site and more employees to work on it.
To all the people that say they are quitting, think on it a bit. Isn't that a little rash? What if the movie actually turns out to be good? Even if it's not, we've weathered through promotion stunts before, we'll get through this. If the site is laggy after the movie because of all the new members, they'll have a bit more money to speed it up again. I just think Neopets needs a little more faith.
Even though I'm a bit worried about the quality of the movie and what it will do to the site, I'm also proud of where Neopets has come from it's humble beginning. I've played since January 2000 and so much has changed. You have to make mistakes sometimes to learn and make things better, eh?