I am reallllllllllllllly hoping adam comes on here to talk about this with us...... this is a serious issue.
notice that NOBODY on this thread likes the idea of the neopest movie....
then why make it?
yeah, we all realized this allready.... mr. dohring likes dinero. And even if we dont WANT them to make a movie, we play neopets, and we are all going to end up seeing the dumb thing, arent we? This is why they are making the movie. think about it. million upon MILLIONS of kids playing this game..... and at some point of time, whether in theaters, or renting it, people are going to try and see this movie..... they WILL be making LOTS of money off of this.
And im sure we dont have the willpower to not see the movie. crappy or not.
So heres my boycotting strategy.
I WILL personally be one of those freaks who sits there opening night of the movie and record it..... im a super hero after all... sometimes, you have to do bad things to do whats right! Then we all download the movie
and vwa lah. Everybody has a copy of it. I paid 5 bucks to see it. 50% to the theater, 20% to the actors, 2% to Dohring,..... in the end, they make $1.63 off of it..... eh. Whatever. I just hate the subject. And there is no real way to stop this except to get everybody to download the movie.... but thats not morally right. Thus, i am in shock.
thus, i am quitting neopets..... in time. Very soon time.... i said it before. If they DO create a movie, i will quit.... and i am going to.
_B4U_ wrote:
bex wrote:
Adam loves Hilary Duff wrote:
"Bugs Bunneh"
Have you seen the new designs for all of the
Looney Toons characters? I shudder to think what they might do for neopets. I just don't see how this movie could be good for anything.
I. Hate. Warner. Bros. Wow, people in the cartoon business are such idiots nowadays. "Hip and cool" or whatever my butt, what was cool back in the good old days can be cool nowadays. The new "Buzz Bunny" looks evil. Heck, all the new nightmares look evil. *sigh* I feel so bad for the future generations.
ick. your right. this is sick... look at these!!