cap wrote:
I do not like the idea of it be a downloadable program. There is just too great of a possibility someone will be able to hack into it and exploit it during a war.
Yeah, that's what I was worried about too. Which is why I thought something Runescape-ish might work. You know, like Java or Flash in the browser. People can still hack that, but it's not as easy. The only other problem with that is that the graphics will be kinda crappy if it were a browser game, but most people can live with that
Yeah, I was hoping someone might like the whole ability remake. Right now, they're severely underused, IMO. I've actually got a little chart with possible abilities I started work on at the same times as this. I just can't quite find it yet
But alas, I can't see this thing going past just theory. It'd be one heck of a project for TNT to accomplish, and it'd mean hiring about 50 new staff. But on the other hand, it'd complely remake the Battledome