Xalaxracer wrote:
Abandoning pets is down, and the Neoboards people are freaking out...
OK, petpages, when you try to view one, you get an Error message saying something about database and to contact the system admin. People trying to edit petpages seem to be getting that account does not exist message.
The pound? is funny, all the pets start with mo right now. It seems that if you try to adopt you get directed to a login page that starts with petpages.neopets ... Of course, this thing with all the pets in the pound starting with the same few letters has happened before.
I think there's simply some sort of database or server problem. I just logged out, I lurked on the HD for awhile, people are freaking, rumors flying - the usual that Neo's been "hacked". Trying to tell people to calm down did no good.
One other thing, I don't know if this is part of whatever has gone wrong, but some people (the usual calm, cool headed kind) are posting worried because they're getting official warnings - like multiple warnings for the same thing and they know they haven't done what they're being warned for.