Sorry if this has already been posted. If it has, just move along a let a mod delete/close it please.
There are rumors going around that there will be a war in Maraqua with the upcoming plot. I am just wondering if this is true because in editorial 175, it states that there will probably not be a war with the upcoming plot. I was wondering if you could settle rumors. This could help balance the market because at the moment these rumors are causing mass inflation. - kingzedfed
We weren't going to have a war this time as we want to rewrite how our wars work. This should make it fairer to the people with weaker, less experience pets and provide a challenge to the players with expert battledomers. The more we think about it, the more it seems to make sense that there would be some element of fighting tied into this plot. It does feature a lot of pirates after all! We just need to make things smoother and fairer for everybody. Sorry if that is a bit of a round about way to answer your question. We are almost certain there will be a war, but I wouldn't go wasting your Neopoints on expensive equipment as this battle will not work in the same way as before.
I hope I'm not the only one that finds the bolded point disappointing. I'd rather it go back to normal. I've never even participated in a war yet and it may already have been turned into a joke