* Vira has been left out of things a bit recently so we thought it was only fitting to release some more Vira themed items for you to collect...
* Dudey_dudey_dude has just won this week's Faerie Caves Spotlight award with their level - The Seas Revenge.
* Eww gross! Three new bugs seem to be hopping around Neopia. I would keep your Petpets well away from these if I were you...
* Can you figure out how to unlock this Destruct-O-Match II avatar?
* There is a new Guild Neighbourhood for you to choose from with a Musical theme.
* By popular demand we have disabled right-clicking on pet webpages.
* If you pop by the Art Gallery you will see all sort of new Neopian fan art on display.
* Eyeslikestars and Celandineluvsya have a super shiny Site Spotlight trophy whizzing their way thanks to their website - The Mortogs.
* Today's Minigolf Spotlight award has been given to Tubiggie for their course - Corner Galore.
* Arr there be something mighty scurvy going on with the Neocam...
* There is a new Desktop Background featuring all kinds of different Neopian 'dragons'.
* Make sure you stop by the Poetry Gallery today. We have just added a new page of poems.