Medusa wrote:
I've read (and own, $10 each, yay!) all four of the current books by Dan Brown. They're all really great although I have to confess that I enjoyed Digital Fortress and Deception Point infinitely more than the two Robert Langdon ones. That's not to say that The DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons were not brilliant though, they were.
I love the way the books are written so you don't quite know what is happening and things are left vague until it all comes together towards the end, only problem is that by the end of reading all four books you're starting to suspect it so you have all these ideas running through your head.
I think I read each of these books in the space of a about two or three days, I know a couple of times I caught myself up at 3am still reading because I didn't want to put them down.
Looking forward to a new book by Dan Brown though, it should be good provided that he isn't just throwing something together to make more money now that he's a little more famous.
Yea. You read one chapter and say "Right, one more chapter because it's so short" and the next thing you know it's the next day. I was reading DF last night and I kept saying "The next chapter's only 5 pages. I'll read that and then go to bed." but because the chapters are only about 2-5 pages long you're conned into reading more of it. And I like how every chapter ends in a cliffhanger.
But I must agree that after reading about 2 books your head buzzes with so many ideas about the plot and about what happens next that sometimes you convince yourself something is going to happen, but then Dan Brown goes and gives you a cliffhanger that you totally don't expect.
And Igg, have you read "Digital Fortress", "Deception Point" or "Angels And Demons"? Because if you haven't thenyou have no right to say that he is an awful writer when you've only read one example of his work.