22nd February - Mynci Day
Myncies can be painted Island and Grey at the Rainbow Pool.
There are some new Mynci themed Poems on display in the gallery.
Specially for Mynci Day there is a Desktop Background starring Valin the Mynci from the Hannah and the Ice Caves story.
If you want the most up to date Blog around you should consider this new Mynci Day one.
Mynci fans can now show their feelings with pride with the aid of these new Buddy Icons.
Neojon130 has won this week's Minigolf Spotlight award with their course -
The Mine Pit.
Can you work out how to get this new Mynci avatar?
Myncies will get
FREE TRAINING all day today if they pay Captain Threelegs a visit.
The Toy Shop has all kinds of new Mynci Puppets for your Neopet to play with on sale.
There are four new Mynci Shopkeepers for you to choose from.
Any Neopet who enjoys reading will be thrilled to receive one of these new Books. Each one features a Mynci or two.
This week's first Site Spotlight award has been given to Summerjoy66 and Layla_Girl_66 for their site - Mynci's Monkeynasium.
The Breadmaster has just finished whipping up some delicious new Mynci themed cupcakes.
Too_sweet_4_anyone should be incredibly happy, their level
Don't look back!!! has just won this week's Faerie Caves Spotlight award.
Lots of our games have been translated into all available languages including Freaky Factory, Escape to Kreludor, Moon Rock Rampage and Chemistry for Beginners.
The Rainbow and Starry Quiggles have been updated.
There are four pages of Mynci themed pictures for you to enjoy in the Art Gallery.