Does anyone else get this error whilst trying to load a user level?
Error While Loading User Level:
It only ever appears on Firefox, which means I have to play user levels on IE *grumbles*
Also, has anyone mastered water and air pockets, because they're annoying me more than anything (see my level, right at the bottom)?
Blue Wolf, your level is crazy. Addictive though
I've got pletny of troubles getting past the first 10 seconds of falling crates. Crazy
Maybe it's a bit too fast paced though.
YesItIsh, your level is a lotta trial and error. It's fun though
I'm still playing it, gotta try and win
A great level, but... lacking something.
Cat, your level is well made, very well made. Everything works together smooth as an apple. But the level is pretty small.
vortexion, your level is fun. Reminds me heaps of my own *shifty eyes* Very... explosive
pixer_man, your level is crazy! Excellent though. You've managed to compact so many things into a smaller area. Very well designed
My scoring System-
0- Doesn't work
1- This level is a joke, right?
2- Dismal
3- Poor
4- Boring. Give it more pace (or less), make it more interesting
5- Average. Make it more interesting!
6- Great Concept, but could have been done better
7- Great Setup, well made, but lacking something
8- Great Level, well designed, but still lacking something.
9- Excellent level.
10- Better than anything even evilzug could make. Great Work!