I was starting to see the bottom banner ads at home frequently, but since I updated Spybot s&d and sent a complaint to TNT via the form, the bottom ads seem to have disappeared when browsing at home (at least so far)
I get this instead:
And if you want an ad with a banned word on neopets, I have a screenshot.
I used the image when I sent in a report about the awful way that firefox loads the ads occasionally in the middle of the page or over the "reply" button in the neoboards. I stated the ad went against the terms and conditions by including a banned word.
(for me updating firefox or adding plugins to block ads is out of the question, because at college I'm limited to 250 mb and that fills up fast with photoshop files and internet browsing. So I'm stuck with the ads and even worse some java code that bounces the page up and down when loading. A few times I ended up clicking on an ad because I clicked elsewhere and the page bounced to the ad in the last second of loading)
Edit: Off topic, something odd happened to my look-up. My pets got rearranged O_o. The blue buzz was in the middle, and now it is left of all my pets.
Edit 2: After looking through the press kit release I noticed they must have updated the images because it shows the new template (large banner at top) but peculiarly enough they made sure to only show the banners relevant to Neopets and none of the sponsor ads
I guess it would discredit the whole meaning behind their "revolutionary" advertising tecnique and purpose for their press release on immersive advertising:
The Company's integrated advertising, trademarked Immersive Advertising®, is an evolutionary step forward in the traditional marketing practice of product placement used in television and motion pictures. The Company's Immersive Advertising permits Neopets to integrate advertisers' products, services, and brands into highly-customized activities within the Neopets.com website.
http://info.neopets.com/presskit/press06.htmland possibly this statement:
Fully compliant with COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act)
and with the Guidelines of CARU (Children's Advertising Review Unit); member of CARU Advisory Board
Maybe we should contact Jack Myers and have him ask Neopets what happened to their immersive advertising technique and ask why did it fail them? Why did they retreat into using the invasive banners?