Today's random theme is
Plushie collectors will be pleased to know there are now super cute plushie versions of the Plushie Blumaroo, Grarrl, Shoyru and Bruce on sale in the Toy Shop.
The first ever real-life Plushie Neopet will be on sale in Limited Too starting this weekend. 1, 2, 3... awwww!
This week's Meridell Castle Spotlight award has been given to ilaka12345678 for their level - Maze of Chaos.
Baby Fireballs, Cadros, Bilguss and Abomniable Snowballs can now be painted Plushie at the Petpet Puddle.
If you like all things sweet and chocolatey, you should pay a visit to Lissy_chan's Gallery Spotlight award winning shop.
How can you not want to own one of these adorable Plushie Bori?
There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was the Tyrannian Food Shop Header. Only 717 people got the answer right, earning 2,790 NP each!
Can you guess how to unlock this new avatar?
There is a new Blog to make your shop look super cool.
Why settle for normal sofas and chairs when you can get all sorts of super soft and comfortable plushie Furniture?
Just in time for Plushie Day there is a new Desktop Background featuring Donny the Bori trying to repair lots of torn plushies.
You can now brighten up your Shop with one of four new plushie shopkeepers.
The Toy Shop has plushie versions of Peos, Slorgs, Kookiths and Gallions for you to buy.
This week's Petpet Spotlight award has been given to Chumsley the Plushie Noil.
Some Plushie Neopets seem to be having a squabble in today's Caption Contest.
Well done Thelonetiel, you have just won the latest User Lookup of the Week contest.
There is a new page of Plushie Day themed pictures for you to look at in the Art Gallery.