Azzie wrote:
I expressed my feelings in the comments section.
Dear Sir /Madam,
I would like to know if TNT takes into consideration the feelings of its members who live halfway around the other side of the globe. I just logged on to find that i missed pretty much the whole valentines day sidebar fact i would have never known what it looked like if someone hadn't posted a picture of it. I live in Singapore and currently i am work from 7 plus in the morning till 2 in the afternoon and twice a week i have my diploma classes till 6 pm and i reach home at 7. So twice a week i'm out from 7 am to 7 pm. Monday i had free time and i was on Neopets around 3 to 5 pm but contrary to what Neopets said, it doesn't release stuff on the dot at 12 am nst..which would be 4 pm for me. So i go through my routine, go to work today, then go to class and come home to find that i've missed experiencing a valentines sidebar. and it's not only the sidebar that i've missed, i believe i've missed some avatars for the same well as unlocking another sidebar..i think the halloween isnt physically possible for me to be online at 12 am nst to unlock a sidebar unless i decide that my class isnt as important as a sidebar and play the sick card.
what my ranting and raving is basically about is that i think TNT doesn't really take into consideration the other half of the world when its making it's decisions to release things like sidebars..can't tnt put up a sidebar for 2 days so that it overs not only the american population but also gives people from other timezones a chance to see it themselves..It is very frustrating to feel left out of the loop over and over again because of my ill fitting timezone. Tell u what, i'll move to LA, and quit whining about timezone disadvantage, just provide me with a job and an apartment ..and possibly a cute boyfriend!
Thank you for your time and the automated letter that will follow.
Hear hear....I was lucky to wake up very early this morning, but it only left me 45 minutes to get the sidebar...
Not that it helped, because someone sending me a card with 2 minutes till midnight wouldn't unlock my bar. *sigh*