the_dog_god wrote:
I hope they don't. I know that some people have been frozen and are starting over etc but it's really frustrating to see avs you thought were retired suddenly flood the Neoboards
I'd have thought after the release of all these supposed "retired" avatars (Sloth, Jhudora, Seasonal Pea, etc) people should have the understanding now that, for the most part these avatars are
not actually retired. Afterall, simply put, people made presumptions in forming the opinion that all the day avatars were retired, presumptions that have now been proven largely incorrect.
The only avatar I'd consider it "unfair" to release again would be the one which we were told was retired in the Editorial.
I think its good that people are being given an opportunity to get the avatars again. It gives those that started collecting later a fighting chance of actually competing with all the people on the high-score table.
I to like the Idea of being able to get the avatars that we were not able to get before. Some still will miss out but I gives more of us a chance to get more avatars. I'm sure you've all herd this complaint before, as it is hard enough trying to get some avatars as it is. Randome ones may never appear, Game ones most are unreachable for some players like me. This might be due to different computors, speed and the agility it takes for some games try and try as we might, It seems impossible to over come a certain level. Here to wishing and waiting for valentines for hopefully a chance for the avatar.