vinylraven wrote:
valerielundberg wrote:
Huggles wrote:
I remember that, Valerie. Very likely and high disappointing. If I only had a billion dollars or a way to tie Doug up and send him to Antarctica.
Doug's not hurting for cash, that's for sure...not if he can afford Jessica Rockwell (yes, cousin of THE Norman Rockwell) to paint his family portraits. guy, I've always loved her work. X_x
ooh he has more than one portrait done by her. his daughters, too. as a sidenote, it is lovely work.
Right...this one here:
Beautiful paintings, she really has a gift.
And is it just me, or is Doug father to 2 sets of twins...boys and girls?
If they aren't twins, they really look alike...the boys and the girls I mean.
Must be close in age if not...