Just kind of as a reply to a bunch of posts on this thread, I'm throwing this out. Feel free to disagree/agree.
Neopets is a business. It started out as a simple game designed for college kids and has expanded incredibly after a few short years. It is likely that it expanded faster than they had ever expected, so were not prepared for the amount of work that would have to be put into it. So in earlier years, a lot of the glitches/freezings/ads would be totally excusable.
But now, neopets has changed from a simple game to a profitable business that makes a great deal of money. And, yes, in order to continue making money, they have to take on the sponsor games, the ads, and can make merchandise to sell.
But...also being a business, they have to be able to deal with criticism and glitches. Neopets cannot afford to pay more attention to merchandise and expanding to be like Pokemon, if it means being lax about stuff on the site, servers being down, glitches occuring constantly, and dropping all kinds of projects that have been incredibly hyped. If they continue on with that, a lot of people will stop playing neopets and will not recommend it to other people as a fun game. Neopets needs people in order to continue - if they continue putting stuff on the site aside to expand with merchandse, people will become tired of it and find other stuff to do. People are fickle. If something doesn't live up to their expectations, they find something else. Also, in order for their merchandise to sell, neopets needs people to play on the site.
And yes, I know that they are humans, but again, I go back to neopets as a business. And yes, the site is free right now, but they are selling a ton of merchandise and making money off people who use the site. But if you want a business to succeed long run, it is ridiculous to begin ignoring/putting aside the thing that made you successful. In any other business, if someone made an error that affected/glitched something, that person would be fired or demoted. That is how business works. You have to continually try to keep stuff running and not ignoring the site and listen to user feedback, or else someone will come along and become more popular.
Honestly, I have basically stopped playing neopets. I became frustrated with them and it stopped being fun. I know a lot of people like me. And yes, right now that doesn't matter as much because of all the people signing up that replace those that quit. But if people continue to become unhappy with the site, there will be a time when that will no longer be the case.