'Once I get ahold of you, Adee's not going to be the ONLY one who feels like they're trapped in a bad dream!'
I can Only score 10k is this game. that 500 is mocking me, lol.
Update from 10min ago.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your score of 11205 beats the score of 10500 by Mr. Chipper in the BETTER THAN YOU competition! You have won 3,000 NP, a cool trophy and a great item! Well done!
I can't belive it, I was just playing and it happen, lol.
-If you ever need help, I'll do my best to help
-My Neopet name is Galonski64
-I am offering homes for the poor Clockwork Icy Skeleton so if you have one you hate, please donate them to me, Thankyou.