Pokemon Kid wrote:
Oh will you stop the constant whining? Neopets was created for fun, the least the creators want is for them to be bashed on a site where it's FREE to do fun stuff. Hell, if you guys didn't have Neopets you'd be slumpin' around the house cryin' "Wahh. Mommy, I can't do anything. It's so BORING!"
They've got to blow off steam sometime. Give us a break.
Here you are complaining so much about so-called "bad-service" on their site, hey, I am sure some people were unrightfully banned here, PPT made a mistake, does Neopet's bash us? No. Sure they make mistakes alot, but, what do you expect? ROBOTS?! They're humans like you and me! They have to handle such a big site! C'mon, you'd make mistakes too, admit it.
At any given time, they can explode with all the bashings, when they do.....No more Neopets...Which would mean no more PPT. Slumpin'. I don't think TNT likes being called "idiot" sometimes. Or "moronic", "idiotic" "stupid" or "dumb". Right, Adam? Right, Donna?
Who said there would be no more PPT? I'm sure there would be a lot less people, but you need to keep in mind- PPT has evolved since it was first created. This site does more than discuss Neopets. And by the way, keep in mind that nearly NOBODY with any good sense would call the entire Neopets Team idiots. I'm certain a few are nutjobs, but I would never go so far as to stereotype them. After all, someone said there are only 100 staff- What are just 100 staff doing running such a huge site, anyway?
Anyways, I am quite proud of Neopets now, they have improved from when they first started! Remember those old neggs? Remember the color jobs? Heh. Look at them now, they are awsomeley awsome!!
"Oh, look! It's a new Pirate Negg! It's so
shiny that I just HAVE to have one! It's really TOO BAD that I got frozen and CAN'T GET ONE because someone paid no attention to the fact that the Terms and Conditions are far too vague to follow!"
I think it is the best Gelert color, right?
Not saying much XP
The new thick lines on those shopkeepers give more life to the image, right? The games now are so detailed and tricky, I bet they got smarter than before!
FYI, I like everything Neopets is doing, WHO HERE AGREES?
The locking of useless topics seems like an idea of PPT's. They must lurk here. I love whenever they spoof us in one of their products. Frozen Accounts and Banner Ads!
Of course they need ads, they need them for the site to stay alive. I for one am glad they do ads.
And make far more than enough to break even. Considering how many players they have, I'm sure a smaller banner ad size would be sufficient to generate enough revenue to cover their bandwidth costs and more. Let them make their money- Just don't be giving us this BS that it's "required" and that "most of the industry" is moving on to these new bigger sizes.
The new server is very fast, except for the odd laggy day, but who cares? Atleast it isn't DfM!
I remember, over two years ago on Neopets... I was a veritable newbie, and the page ran blazingly fast. Oh, crap... *FLASHBACK SEQUENCE* I was fascinated and a bit scared by the site (in the "You're scaring me" sort of way). Back then, the site ran
blazingly fast, there were no banner ads, no NeoBoards loaded with complete crap, the Advent Calendar gave away good prizes... I remember there were all sorts of odds and ends that made the place weird yet unique; they lent the site an atmosphere of a whimsical, strange, but honestly good place to while away spare time without breaking something. I got my first pteri, my first 100k, my first lab map...
And then I got frozen.
At this point, you'd probably expect me to go into a long rant about how Neopets sucks just because I broke a rule. Well, I did break a rule, and I have to say that freezing was justified. Like it or not, I was frozen for trying to sell my account, which I hadn't known was illegal (but I knew that ignorance of the law was no excuse). So I started over. Everything was great for the next several months. I raised some new pets, found new ways to make money, made a few friends here and there, discovered PPT... I bore witness to an excellent war plot, the Darigan War... Yes, Neopets was still great. Then came the NeoBoards. Then came the Kass War Prizes. Then came my unjusitified icing, and the Hannah Plot, and banner ads and lag and all the other stuff on my con list. [/flashback]
And yet, I still love the site. The other players are what make even some of Neopets' greatest flaws able to be overlooked; the truly good and kind ones that can do more than chatspeak about Hilary Duff. The shopkeepers, the gamers, the BDCers, ye olde VPCers... And let's not forget the PPTers. I might have quit long ago if not for the support I got from the people here.
Neopets is still good. But it has an increasing number of flaws. And there is next to NOTHING we can do about it.