Hm... thats strange. I got one and had a similar conversation to that one by a person claiming to be Yoshi, but I didn't really believe. Basically the conversation went:
Surfer Guy6526: Hi
Twizzler0171: Hi...
Surfer Guy6526: You've heard of Neopets Premium, right?
Surfer Guy6526: Here's the link if you haven't
Surfer Guy6526: Enter same link as Timkhj's here
Twizzler0171: Yeah, I have
Twizzler0171: I can't get it though
Surfer Guy6526: Oh. Why?
Twizzler0171: For various reasons
Surfer Guy6526: It's free
Twizzler0171: Oh, it is?
Twizzler0171: Can I ask whom this is?
Surfer Guy6526: It's Yoshi
Surfer Guy6526: Here's the link again
Surfer Guy6526: Enter same link as Timkhj's here
Twizzler0171: Oh.
That was basically the conversation... I can't remember really remember it, but the name is correct.
Unfortunately to say... I clicked. As soon as I realised what it was though (I didn't submit anything or click on anything other than the link... I think) I exited out, changed my password on another computor, and didn't log back in on this one until I had run virus scans.
After that, I looked to see if Yoshi was on... he wasn't. So I am quite sure it wasn't Yoshi.
EDIT: I did in fact have two virii. One I know I had before, and can't figure out how to get rid of it, but the other one was similar. So it may or may not have come from that site... I don't know. They were both Trojan Horses, however.