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Pink Ink -- Issue 7 - Advice, Horoscopes, and more!

Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:18 pm

Yup, that's right folks,

The NEWEST Issue of PPT's Newspaper, The Pink Ink, has just finished in the presses and is now being delivered to everybody's front door! This issue includes several cool articles: The Too Much PPT Test, A Game Review of The Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap, and old favourites like the Advice column, horoscopes and PPTers say the darndest things!

A big shout out for the PPT Apprentice players, who(as a challenge) all contributed to this issue, and a few upcoming ones too! Thanks Guys!

Check it Out!


Feel like having an opinion? Want people to see and hear it? Why don't you write an article for the Pink Ink? We take everything people submit and we love the feedback!

Whether it's a Piece on those wonderful War Prizes, or maybe that CD you bought yesterday. It all goes in this neighbourhood! Too submit, PM the article(around one page in length or longer), to either Yoshi, Spiralethe, or myself and you will be able to look foreward to seeing YOUR NAME up in lights in THE PINK INK =D

SaphEdit: Because Dan forgot to mention it, and Yoshi forgot to mention it for the last issue, and they're both silly boys, and I have to keep doing this...
If you wish to submit something for the next issue, please make sure you submit it by
Tuesday, February 8th.


Sun Jan 30, 2005 8:46 pm

I just read and browsed the new issue. Great job for all who contributed and for the people who published it!

Sun Jan 30, 2005 8:56 pm

Aw. Mine didn't get put in.

All the same, nice issue.

Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:27 pm

Hehehe I like the PPT Addiction Test. ^_^ Good job everyone, and yet another great issue of the Pink Ink. Mmmm...tastes like strawberry.

Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:31 pm

Ooh! Great issue, as always. However... I do have a complaint. The test to see if I've been spending too much time on PPT is utterly, hopelessly wrong! I only said yes to 9 of them, but I can be seen all hours of the day and night! I am hopelessly addicted to PPT! Noooo! How dare you say I have a real life?! :( :P Besides... they don't stock Arrow Costumes at my local Wal-Mart. :(

Hmm... my question got answered! See! Poisoned Apples rule. 8)
Last edited by Twizzler0171 on Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:32 pm

10-14 Times: So you get up from the computer to go to the bathroom, big whoop. You are still addicted. I suggest you get professional help as soon as possible.

Heehee. I spend too much time here. ^^

Great issue again, dudes. :peace:

Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:50 pm

Sunnie wrote:
10-14 Times: So you get up from the computer to go to the bathroom, big whoop. You are still addicted. I suggest you get professional help as soon as possible.

Heehee. I spend too much time here. ^^

Great issue again, dudes. :peace:

Hehe I got that too. Let's face it, we're all addicted. :P And it's true, I hardly leave the computer chair anymore. Just read my horoscope and it's pretty much right. I am an emotion-wild Cancer. :oops:

Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:34 pm

I got a 0 on that quiz thing XD.

But great issue ^_^

Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:40 pm

fzun wrote:I got a 0 on that quiz thing XD.

But great issue ^_^

Ditto to both. Well done, guys!

Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:47 pm

5-9 Times: Well at least you know about the real world and even, gasp, the outdoors, but you should still take a break away from PPT, just for a while. I don't think you need professional help…at least not yet.

Sounds good to me. :)

Sun Jan 30, 2005 11:23 pm

Twizzler0171 wrote:Ooh! Great issue, as always. However... I do have a complaint. The test to see if I've been spending too much time on PPT is utterly, hopelessly wrong! I only said yes to 9 of them, but I can be seen all hours of the day and night! I am hopelessly addicted to PPT! Noooo! How dare you say I have a real life?! :( :P Besides... they don't stock Arrow Costumes at my local Wal-Mart. :(

I'm sorry about your Wal-Mart. Try K Mart, or Zellers. I know you can order them online too :) And, the test is perfectly accurate :x I got it checked by a professional test checker....I swear...stop looking at me...*walks away quickly*

Mon Jan 31, 2005 12:12 am

Dawn2 wrote:Aw. Mine didn't get put in.

All the same, nice issue.

You submitted something? I wasn't aware of it. O_o Hmm...send it again, this time to me, and I guess I can arrange something for next issue. :)

Mon Jan 31, 2005 12:34 am

Your italic tags aren't working here:

Test: 6, 10, 19

-My total posts make up 1.2% of PPT XD

Mon Jan 31, 2005 12:39 am

Ehh...we had a few technical errors this issue. XP There's one in a certain article that was left unnoticed and unsorted for some strange reason- we'll try to get everything sorted out as soon as possible. ^^;

Mon Jan 31, 2005 2:08 am

Wee! That was a great issue, although the quotes/PPTers say the darnest things werent as funny as the last issue's.

As for the test, I got a 3! Horray! :D
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