Before I judge, I would just like to say this: Congrats to all of you for getting this far, this is by far the hardest round I have had to judge all competition as I have to say, honestly there is not one subtext I don't like. I could very easily see all of these subtexts on this sig, so Im having to eliminate the ones I like slightly less than the other ones.
Robert2100 Great subtext fits in with the image and main text. The only thing I would criticise on is the first word 'The' it seems a little unnecessary and I feel that 'Eyes Of A Hunter' would have worked slightly better. Never the less, a good effort and would work well with the sig.
Twinkle I like this subtext, personally I love lions and view them as beautiful yet dangerous animals so that is probably why I identify with your choice. It fits in with the image you were given and also the main text, its a good length and would definately work as part of a set.
Kitten Medli Again it fits in with my opinion of lions, as with all cats they are most definatley noble animals, almost regal if you like. Yet with a different side to them. It also suits the image very well and of course the main text! This is actually my personal favourite this round, good job!
Dawn2 Lovely suits a lion to a tee, if you have ever seen one stalk its prey they are indeed very graceful. You have successfully shown both sides to a lion in only two words. It fits in with the image as the lion shown does look graceful yet ready to strike at any given moment.
Ammer The only problem I have with your subtext is that the particular lion in the picture doesnt look fierce, if you could see its teeth or even its mouth it would fit alot better. Having said that though, there is enough known about lions in general for this subtext to work. Its a nice length and fits well with the main text.