Kitten Medli wrote:
You need a better hobby than complaining all the time.
What can I say? Model trains just don't give me the same rush.
Plus I through in a compliment. I said I liked it! I have no problem giving credit where credit is due. I also have no problem calling people on where they significantly fall short.
simsman24000 wrote:
Well, the Neopian Times isn't really supposed to be about conveying real news... I mean, sure, the Editorial is good for questions, but it's not really the official place for suggestions. Apparently, people have given up on They get read, people!
I doubt that. When they have hardly enough resources to address the complaints of those that have been frozen due to hyperactive mod bots, they don't have time to read every little "I DUN LYKE THE DARIGAN POOGLE!!!!!11!!" email, let alone through the detailed, thought out suggestions that letters that many users put forth. In fact, it is only on a good day that someone can expect an automated response, let a lone an equally well thought out personal answer from the Team.
When they put suggestions in the editorial, it is no longer just a post-it note on somebody's computer. It becomes a promise to the user. If they say "We Will Do This" we, in turn, expect them to come through. If they are unable to deliver even after public statements, why would they even bother trying on suggestions that are unknown except by the alleged reader from the Team and the user who suggested it.