Good morning!
I am new to the PPT forums, although not new at all to the site. I've been picking through the game guides and such for years. I've posted a time or two as a guest.
My neopets account is ICKessler, I've been playing on neopets for about 3 and a half years on the same account. You may certainly drop me a neomail if you like. You might know me from the neocolours forum or the Neopian Times.
I'm an amateur illustrator although I've had some formal art school. I live in Mississippi. I work at a riverboat casino there, which makes me one of the many adult neopets players.
I am a terrible restocker, because of my slow connection but I an at one with the game codebreakers. I think I might like to write a codebreakers guide someday. The game is not as hard as it seems, it's really just a matter of working your way through a pattern of combinations. I have lost two games of codebreakers since the first time I played it, normally I play until I get bored. I love that game.
*raises right hand*
I have read the forum rules and do solemnly swear to obey them at the risk of being flogged with whatever food item is at hand.
That's about all I have to say for now. I'm on a borrowed computer because my laptop was
allegedly stolen by Hector "Macho" Camacho. Despite this rather surreal setback, I am looking forward to perusing the PPT forums in the future.
- Kess