I first regarded PPT in a bad light. I mean, I read about all this commotion with spyware and whatnot, and decided against ever visiting the website, for fear of being caught by a 'cookie-grabber' or something like that. Stupid, I know, and naieve (sp?) for believing everything that those other neo-fansites were saying.
Then I though "Oh what the heck!" I typed in pinkpt.com and was greeted by the front page, and saw that PPT was not some kind of scam-hole as so many anti-ppters made it out to be, but rather a really involved community that revolved around many interests, but mainly Neopets. So I just clicked through and explored all the helpful pages and stories on the site.
I then decided to check out the forums, and at first was surprised that it took so long for replies (as compared to the Neoboards), and that there weren't any "BUMP" or "OMG Lyiek WTHzorz?!" posts. But it was cool. The mood here was calmer, nicer, and everyone treated each other with respect. And people didn't judge you by the strength of your pet, or how many avatars you have. It was just generally a nice and friendly environment. So I began lurking the boards, and finally decided to become a member.
And I was amazed at how nice everyone was. I didn't recieve one n0*b insult, or any criticism. That's what I like most about PPT. Everyone treats each other with respect. There may be the odd arguement and slight quarrel here and there, but hey, we're humans, it's to be expected that we'd argue over some things. But most of the arguements were in a calm and thought out manner, not just two people telling each other to "SHUT UP!"
I also am amazed at how really and truely involved everyone in this community is. Or most people at least. There's so many things people can participate in, and most people do. Pink Ink, Oekaki, the Games on the NNV board. It's all great. And the ability to make yourself well known within a group of people that will really care about your opinions, and will miss you if you ever leave, not just shrug you off.
So to sum it up, this is what I like about PPT
*The friendliness everyone on the boards shows
*The amount of activities everyone can participate in
*The vast an wide range of interests everyone here has
*The non-elitist attitude everyone here has
*The ability to voice your opinion here, and actually have someone care
*The amount of members keeps the boards moving, but not at lightning speed, but enough to not have to wait 2 months for a reply.
*If you ever get in trouble with a mod, they give you a full and just explanation as to why you got in trouble.
*And who can forget Arrow?
PPT is just a great place, full stop. It's just a shame that all those PPT-haters gave it such a bad name that I was afraid to visit the site. Oh well, no worries now.