Well I do think we're appreciated ... to a point. When Adam, Donna, Snarkie, and all the other wonderful staff who do take the time to come here don't want to throttle us. Let's face it, we do make a point of venting/letting them know when we're really unhappy about something.
At the same time, some of that venting has done some good. Like when Adam found out people were being warned/frozen for typing the word ebay. Did he ever get our member's account unfrozen for that one? Should have been.
And yes, we were asked for feedback on the sidebar/banner (I didn't get in on that one, but saw/read alot). And now "Stuff" ... I wonder when they'll make the decision whether or not to keep that name. I need to make a new sidebar!
As to the April glitch, yes there were posts but it was after the fact. I still have some issues with the way that was handled. And there are people who never got their accounts/items/pets/np back from that. But I really don't know how much of the decisions made regarding that were in the hands of even Adam or Donna. That was truly a big "Oops".
Overall I admit to being very impressed. Not necessarily with PPT being mentioned in particular, but with the fact that these people DO take time to come here, post, give us information, ask for our feedback, they always have great patience, good humor and do try, if they can't accomodate input or suggestions, to give us reasons why - and to fix the things they can quickly (thinks of Snarkie with the lookup, Pyramids, et al issues). All in all I think they're pretty great!
Morningstar wrote:
And, I would like to add one thing. I wouldn't still be playing Neopets if it weren't for PPT--and my guess is that a lot of us feel the same way. Neopets has no sense of community unless you are in a really good guild and even then, you cannot let your hair down and talk honestly about how you feel about the game. You can here. And there is always someone here to help you if you have a problem or just listen if you need to vent.
hear hear! This forum is invaluable as being a safe haven, a place to vent, to get help, to congratulate or be congratulated when something good happens, and find out information we wouldn't know otherwise. Thank you PPT!!! Long may you reign