Shifty wrote:
hyperflutterby wrote:
r4che1 wrote:
Pokemon Kid wrote:
Because of it's transperanty, that "third arm" is the begginning of the tail.
i dont think it is. it sticks out from the body, so it would be seen on all the other usuls if it were supposed to be there and it's not. look here: arm is in the same place as the Sad usul arm. It was probably just artist oversight when they were edidting the sad usul picture to make it look happy.
I just noticed that aswell ...
Makes me wonder how they can make suck a stupid mistake...

And I also noticed they were released on my b-day

Lol I thought everyone would've noticed the second they saw that usul

It's pretty funny though...If it was real I can just bite off that extra arm or something XD Mmmmm, orange jelly