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PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:07 am 
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Alisquid wrote:
Wow. Brave for you to do that for a such a well loved movie, Eo. Good job. At least they didn't cut Gimli and Legolas so the Orcs were cute in cudly and had a musical number like one verison.
(Yes, that did happen.)

Well-loved? I've never met anyone who even LIKED the Bakshi one.

And yeah, I've seen that version. Rankin-bass... They weren't cute and cuddly really, but they sure as heck weren't orcs!
Personally I'd give Rankin-Bass a C-. They'd get a D but for keeping Eowyn and having decent animation.
Still don't get why the Rohirrim don't get a song and yet the orcs get two or three.

(Although Eowyn and Faramir appear to be recolors of Amalthea and Lear from one of their older movies, Last Unicorn o.O;;)


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:54 am 
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Eo wrote:
Alisquid wrote:
Wow. Brave for you to do that for a such a well loved movie, Eo. Good job. At least they didn't cut Gimli and Legolas so the Orcs were cute in cudly and had a musical number like one verison.
(Yes, that did happen.)

Well-loved? I've never met anyone who even LIKED the Bakshi one.

Well, almost every libary I know of owns them. The Hobbit to.

And, I saw A serise of unfortunate events with Puck, and I can't even bring my self to report it, its so awfull. Someone else please do it. Some of my complants are nitpicking(like that The Littlest Elf doesn't show up until the 7th book) but others were pretty leginment(Like Klaus and Violet being OCC, complete chopping up and distcrution of the plot.

I shiver just thinking about it.

Lovely set by the equally lovely Silja!

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:14 am 
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I must agree, i was twitching by the second the unfortunate events movie started..


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:34 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Actually, I liked the ASoUE movie...-dodges flying tomatoes and toasters-


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 3:43 am 
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Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights

...oh god I swear my left eye was twitching throughout
the whole movie

and oh yes Boat Trip starring Cuba Gooding Jr.
Nice guy but I really don't understand why he
plays in these movies

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:05 am 
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Location: PinkPT. Except when I'm not on PinkPT. No, wait. I'm confused.
Sorry, I have neither Amy, so I'll just through the stuff I found at the lab. You know, the place where they invented the nuclear bomb...

And I'm confused, vanilla. Was thouse books before the became movies? IF not, I don't think it belongs here.

Lovely set by the equally lovely Silja!

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:33 am 
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Eo wrote:
The Victim: The Lord of the Rings (supposedly all of it)
The Crimal: Ralph Bakshi
Original plot verse Movie plot: Come on, everybeast. We ALL know the original plot. Frodo's struggle against the ring, Samwise's struggle to help him stay alive, Aragorn's path to become king, Gandal'f fall, Wormtongue's treachery, Shelob's Tunnel, Dernhelm's Fell surprise, The End of the Ring...

Movie plot: Fat dude drools over ring. Tall dude with cloth wig takes it. Other fat dude with 70's hairdo gets it, does Happy Dance. Gandalf milks a giant cow. Sam resembles a dying mushroom with teeth. Merry and Pippin have no importance. Boromir has no pants! Viking!sauron!
Book Saruman thinks he's doing the right thing.
Movie Saruman thinks he's Santa Claus.

Book Ringwraiths make nature recoil in their presence.
Movie ringwraiths make fans recoil in their presence. Plus funky leper dance.

B: Gondor has no king.
M: Gondor has no pants... or much of a mention, come to that.

B: Eowyn I am, daughter of Eomund!
M: Mmmmmph! (Eowyn I am... person with no lines!)

B: Wormtongue: Traitorous and lustful
M: Traitorous to the job of voice-acting, also is a Jawa.

B: Everything after Helm's Deep: Is really exciting.
M: Everything after Helm's Deep: Is non-existant.

OCC characters: Ouch. Gandalf... is... Dancing man! Sam is the Amazing Talking Mushroom! Boromir wants to be a viking! (Have they no whetstones in Lorien?) Aragorn is a flasher, I swear (Displays frightening amount of leg at Prancing Pony) Gimli acts and looks like one of the Seven Dwarves, and Merry has no importance whatsoever. Whyyyy?!?!
And um, treebeard spits leaves. Which is scary.
New things: I swear Flight to the Ford didn't take so long. Really.
Also... this is how the Orcs and the Rohirrim do battle.
1. Orcs stand in line facing a line or Rohirrim.
2. They both wait a bit.
3. Eomer or someone rides down the line and shoots an orc.
4. Orc captain tells them "No shooting- wasting arrows"
5. Repeat for a VERY LONG TIME. Finally they realize "Hey. I just realized. They killed ten of us. GET EM!"

On the plus side, Merry getting Black Breathed by the two Nazgul was VERY cool.

But the Balrog appears to be a guy in a paper-mache lion mask and fluffy bedroom slippers.
Final verdict: Please, kill me- no wait, Bakshi, not me- Now.
Rating:B-This never should of happen. This isn't even the book More like the worst fanfiction I have ever seen. No, worse.

I forgot to mention, they alternate a lot between "Saruman" and "aruman"...

I think I have to see this. XD

I love making fun of bad movies...

Now it's my turn for PoA...

Victim: ...POA (Prisoner of Azkaban)
Criminal: Pretty much what br00ster said, plus the drugs those people must've been on when they came up with the bright idea of putting that talking head in the movie. =P
Book Plot: Favorite out of them all. =)
Movie Plot: Least favorite of the movies. As br00ster said, Harry shouldn't be yelly-screamy-angsty until the fifth book. Hermione is NOT self-centered. And she slapped Malfoy because he was being evil and jerky, not because "omg it flt gud!!!111" Also, BIG stuff was cut out from the scenes in the Shrieking Shack. They said nothing about who made the Marauder's Map, how they became Animagi, their friendship at Hogwarts, the Fidelus Charm, how Sirius escaped, and much more...
Poor Fred and George hardly got any screentime, let alone PERSONALITY, and they left out the great Quidditch Final; I was SO looking foward to that...
OOC: Hermione, Harry, Fred and George, Lupin (to an extent)
New things: The whole thing with them running away from Lupin was absurd. They could've cut that whole scene for some quality Sirius time.
Final Verdict: G-S

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:53 am 
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Alisquid wrote:
Sorry, I have neither Amy, so I'll just through the stuff I found at the lab. You know, the place where they invented the nuclear bomb...

And I'm confused, vanilla. Was thouse books before the became movies? IF not, I don't think it belongs here.

Oh pfft my mistake I'm sorry --;;

When you said bad books to movies I thought you were talking about
bad books and movies. My error im sorry. :P

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 6:48 pm 
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Its O.K vanilla,I can see how someone could make that mistake.

Lovely set by the equally lovely Silja!

 Post subject: Ella Enchanted
PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:13 am 

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I have to say that this one did take the cake. Ella Enchanted was SUCH a good book! OF course they managed to ruin it, and turn it into a cheesy mash of inaccuracies and modern stupidities thrown into its era. Let me just say this one isn't even tolerable alone as a movie, if you didn't read the book. At least Lord of the Rings was good stand alone without the book. Ella Enchanted was just an insufferable movie without the fact that it was a discrace to the booK!

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 10:59 pm 
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The Victim: The Black Stallion
The Crimal: Whoever the heck made the movie!
Original plot verse Movie plot:
Book plot- Alec is stranged on an island by a shipwreck. He finds a black stallion on the island as well, and they help eachother survive after he manages to tame it to a degree after several months. When they get rescued, he finds a farm nearby, and a kind old man helps him with his horse.
Movie plot- Some 6 year old on an island for some reason, no backround, finds a horse, pets it, rides it in the ocean within a day, when they get rescued, horse gets to live in Alecs backyard! He charges the mailman, garbage man, and anyone else who goes by.. for some reason, he was tame before, now hes a raving loonatic horse. Finally they get to the old mans place (who is really fat). I couldn't watch the rest, I nearly threw up after that. Literally.

OCC- Everyone. Even the horse, it wasn't even black
New things- I can't even go there. It wasn't at all like it was in the book, if I listed that it would literally take up a million words.
Final Verdict- Take a throw up bag if you watch it. IT SUCKED SO BAD!!
Rating: B. Worse than B. Every copy of it should be destroyed.

During this movie, I seriously had to leave a few times because it was so far off. I couldn't even watch it through to the end, I watched about half an hour of it. No way I could endure more than that.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:06 am 
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Fishblade_Bluestream wrote:
I think I have to see this. XD

I love making fun of bad movies...

Now it's my turn for PoA...

Victim: ...POA (Prisoner of Azkaban)
Criminal: Pretty much what br00ster said, plus the drugs those people must've been on when they came up with the bright idea of putting that talking head in the movie. =P
Book Plot: Favorite out of them all. =)
Movie Plot: Least favorite of the movies. As br00ster said, Harry shouldn't be yelly-screamy-angsty until the fifth book. Hermione is NOT self-centered. And she slapped Malfoy because he was being evil and jerky, not because "omg it flt gud!!!111" Also, BIG stuff was cut out from the scenes in the Shrieking Shack. They said nothing about who made the Marauder's Map, how they became Animagi, their friendship at Hogwarts, the Fidelus Charm, how Sirius escaped, and much more...
Poor Fred and George hardly got any screentime, let alone PERSONALITY, and they left out the great Quidditch Final; I was SO looking foward to that...
OOC: Hermione, Harry, Fred and George, Lupin (to an extent)
New things: The whole thing with them running away from Lupin was absurd. They could've cut that whole scene for some quality Sirius time.
Final Verdict: G-S

Yeah, they left SO MUCH stuff. I'm hoping it'll be included in the next movie because that was some important info. After I saw the movie, my uncle and I got into an argument because I insisted that marauders were revealed in the POA and he kept saying that it was in GOF. The fool. MWAHAHAHA.


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:33 pm 
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Amethyst wrote:
Actually, I liked the ASoUE movie...-dodges flying tomatoes and toasters-

So did I! I mean, it was sort of off from the books, and they switched a lot of it around, but they still got all the info in there. I think they put the play from the first book at the end because the Wide Window doesn't really have an end... Dunno how they're going to do the Miserable Mill though. How is Klaus going to keep breaking his glasses when he only uses them for reading?

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 8:50 pm 
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I don't understand any of you....
But what is really scary about the movie...


Bad fanfiction, fangirls, Mary Sues, they are everywhere!

Same happend with HP and LOTR. Its really kinda sad.

Lovely set by the equally lovely Silja!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 10:29 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Alisquid wrote:
I don't understand any of you....
But what is really scary about the movie...


Bad fanfiction, fangirls, Mary Sues, they are everywhere!

Same happend with HP and LOTR. Its really kinda sad.

Are you saying fangirls are bad??? :cry:

On a more serious note, are you refering to the ASoUE movie?


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