winter wrote:
I don't think it's a very good theory. I highly doubt there's someone in the office waiting till midnight to strike to set the prizes. If they're using the same script as last years and the McDonald's thing, then everything is pre-set and set how they want it.
You seem to be presuming a higher degree of advanced planning on TNT's part than has often been demonstrated.
And face it, they've been busy with a
lot of things lately, including the banners, the revised banners, the sidebar "skins," various real-life TCG releases (including more to come shortly?), the Hannah and the Ice Caves plot in general, the dinner puzzle part of the plot (in which they are late in providing clues, btw), the battle part of the plot (with the first wave of opponents
not originally working the way TNT wanted them to -- the same way, mind you, that they worked in the previous war, and the one before that, and . . . ), plus recent changes in permissions by age to deal with the repercussions of complaints about the gambling games,
plus all the "normal" day-to-day stuff they're always doing to keep Neopets running.
They do an awful lot. A slip here and there is to be expected -- both because nobody is perfect and because, well, we've experienced enough major and minor slips on Neopets to know.
(And no, the fact that TNT had some time off for Thanksgiving doesn't mean they aren't hard-working. If theirs is like most offices, they probably had to work
extra before and after the holiday to make up for it.)
Mind you, I suspect that
today is simply going to be the 200 NP for everyone, not an error (though possibly a deliberate "quickie" job to give themselves some slack) . . . but
yesterday's not giving the Snowball Bean Bag to those who went in the first however-many minutes? Yeah, my bet would be that something just wasn't ready in time.