Michelle wrote:
It seems as if ever since the site went down I keep landing on the ? or the crossbones (which keeps giving my pets neopox). Is this happening with everybody or is just my imagenation?

It has happened to me twice since the birthday bash blowout and both times I have had to buy the pizza to cure it--because I was stuck with the disease for over 24 hours (despite the multiple visits to the healing-ha!-springs). And, honestly, I really ever get hit with a disease. Maybe just bad karma? That I was due for a hit, after all these months? Or maybe something else? Somebody wanting all of Neopia to get sick--and have to buy that high-priced medicine?
Oh, well, still better than getting the sneezles or the hoochie coochies. Those meds are way overpriced.
I have since learned to tuck a few meds away for a rainy day. It's tough paying 2600 for a neopox pizza when you can remember them selling for 35 nps.
Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?