Subeta T&C
Likeliness and Similarities:
This game is an original production and any likeliness this game may have with any existing game or production is purely coincidental. Images, text and source code are products of the staff at Subeta and are in no way related to any other existing (similar) products.
However, to clear it up. I (keith) used to work at Creature World, and alot of my ideas were put into the site.
There is only ONE user on subeta, that 'works' for CW. That would be Cydewinder (who was also a programmer at CW), and you will notice that he is retired there. (if you check his staff status)
So, as for any similaritys, both the site creator, and a programmer, used to work at Creature World.
However, I can assure you that all the scripting is purley subeta's, and that any similaritys to Creature World, or any other site similar to subeta, is not on purpose. (There are so only so many ways to do things)
As for the similar avatar (titled brrr), a user from subeta submitted that ages ago. When subeta went down for a month, that user joined on Creature World, and submitted it during an Avatar contest, and their avatar went on the site.
John (owner of CW) did not know that the avatar was protected under Subeta's copyright, and I relized it soon after. However, we decided it wasn't causing any harm, and left it the way it was.
{402x102px. Do something!}