hydruxo, I agree with you. Other sites have been asked to close or change or whatever.
I read the article, and yes I am known for speaking my mind here when I see or hear or read something that I feel is wrong. I guess that makes me a "complainer". Sure, there's things I and others don't like and sure, we complain. I also give credit to the entire Staff for all the good they do, for how hard they honestly do work for all of us.
I found the article to be adversarial in tone and content. It sounds like an Us Against Them scenerio, which I don't believe to be true. OK, so you can't say Pinkpt on the boards. There's plenty of sites you can't type on the boards or the site. Their site, their rules. I can't see where TNT and PPT are "rivals". These are 2 completely different sites with a common thread/interest - Neopets. But PPT isn't in competition with Neopets, it's not like PPT is another game site. So, I don't understand that.
Yes, there may be some teasing on both sides, I love that. It means that we are seen, we are heard and it humanizes the faceless "TNT" as well as the members here. Our statements made here may not change something we don't like, but maybe there's a reason that we're not aware of for a lack of change. We have a safe place here where we can voice our opinions, complaints, woes, wins, good news, whatever.
Overall, I feel that the relationship between Borovan/Adam, Donna, the other Staff members who come here and the members here is actually a pretty good one, especially lately. There's been some big changes - that darn topbanner (yes, I do still loathe it) and the ads. What happened when Adam found out there were pop-ups and other problems with the off-site ads? He apparently went in and fought to have them removed or he removed them himself. I say Bravo and Thank You for caring that much. And I thank them for taking the time to come here and read posts, respond, help when they can, joke around and take the amount of grief they can be subject to when they come here - especially during a big "glitch", something like that. They come back! Doesn't that say something about there NOT being a rivalry?
Hate is a very strong word and like Love, is tossed around casually and too often. I don't think most of us here (I wouldn't presume to speak for anyone else - but my guess) "hate" Neopets or the Staff. If we did, we wouldn't be going to the site every day. We're not going for the page views, we're going because we enjoy it, we have fun there - even with the problems we may have, glitches we've all endured, whatever.
I didn't find the article to be helpful, useful, truly honest, or even amusing. Was it your intention to agitate? If so, then the article is a hit. If it is an attempt to wave an olive branch, it failed.
Last edited by everconfused on Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:02 am, edited 1 time in total.