aichambaye wrote:
Can anyone help with Gunther's revenge? I can't get armin past the water. And I can't get Hannah to the door.
Right, I just completed it. Took me about three tries.
Start off with Hannah. Go to the right and drop down, but straight away press left. You'll hopefully end up in a secret area. Jump up to the left, and keep going left until you get to the end and fall down. Then go right until you hit the arrow. As soon as you hit the arrow though, make sure that you run back left or else you'll fall and get crushed by the rocks. Once they've all fallen, drop down, then set off the dynamite.
Then go over to the left, collecting the two treasures as you go. Set off the arrow, then go up the ladder. Once you're on the next level, go to the arrow that points up instead of right and set it off. Watch out for the arrow that comes back down. Then go back to the left and set off the other arrow, which will set off the rest of the boxes. You can either collect the treasure or leave them for Armin.
Moving on, climb up the next ladder. Here's where you have to be careful. Set off the two arrows up the top, releasing the treasure. Leave them, and the remaining arrows. Go to the left, and crawl into the gap. Don't go any further, or you'll die on the spikes. Just stay there until Armin fixes it.
Switch to Armin. Drop down to the bottom of the level. Go the same way as you did with Hannah, making sure you are careful in the water. Climb up the next two ladders, collecting the treasure if you left it. Then, you'll see four arrows. Hit the one second from the right. This will set the other three off, and the dynamite. Collect the treasure, and crawl through the snow.
You'll see a boulder. Push that onto the spikes. Then jump up, go to the left, and down the ladder to push the other boulder onto the remaining spikes. Then you can direct Armin to the door. All you have to do next is to crawl out of the gap with Hannah, and make your way to the exit.