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Games that don't use arrow keys

Fri Oct 29, 2004 9:52 am

I was wondering if anyone happened to know the list of games where you don't need the right arrow key in order to play them. Unfortunately, that key doesn't work on my computer. Some games, like the Slorg Attack, I can get by ok and get some points with just the up and left arrows. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I need points so I can get a lab map. =)

Fri Oct 29, 2004 10:04 am

Whack a staff member, trouble at the national neopian, ultimate bullseye is all that I could think off my head right now.

Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:58 pm

Qanda wrote:Whack a staff member, trouble at the national neopian, ultimate bullseye is all that I could think off my head right now.

Additional (as much as action games are concerned. I don't think that you need a lot of right arrow for puzzles or luck games).

:loser: Advert attack, Carnival of Terror, Defender Trainer, Extreme Potato counter, Feed Florg (you can use the mouse if I remember right), Freaky Factory, Frumball, Grundo Snowthrow, Hasee Bounce, Petpetsitter, Rink Runner, Splat-a-Sloth, The Buzzer Game, Volcano Run, Web of Vernax,Whack a Kass, Zurroball.

That should keep you going for a while ^^

Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:00 pm

Thanks! There are a few of those that I haven't tried yet. Will get to that after I get my 5000 daily nps from Pyramids.

You know, I really, really need a life... :lol:

Sat Oct 30, 2004 2:18 am

If you're on a PC... you should be able to use the num pad too... But I'll just assume you knew that :D

Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:13 am

hehe Lord Nword. I'm actually on a laptop, so I don't have a number pad. It would've been kinds hard to bring my PC to Japan from America. :D I'm probably going to buy a USB something soon, if they're not too expensive. Thanks everyone for your help!

Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:36 am

I went through all the games in the Games Room to see what games you could play and have made the list below. The starred ones means thThe Fire Faerie wants you to get her 'Blue Bandanat you don't need Flash to load them (at least, I don't think you do). I probably made a few mistakes but I hope that you can bear with them.

Advert Attack
* Armada
* Bilge Dice
Brucey B Slots
* Caption Competition
Carnival of Terror
* Cellblock
* Cheat!
* Cheeseroller
Chemistry for Beginners
* Cliffhanger
Defender Trainer
* Defenders of Neopia
Destruct-O-Match II
* Dice-A-Roo
* Double or Nothing
Escape to Kreludor
Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars
Extreme Potato Counter
* Faerie Crossword
* Fetch!
* Food Club
* Fruit Machine
Freaky Factory
* Geos
* Go! Go! Go!
* Gormball
* Grarrl Keno
* Grumpy Old King
Grundo Snowthrow
* Guess the Card
* Guess the Weight of the Marrow
Hasee Bounce
* Illusens Glade
* Invasion of Meridell
* Jhudoras Cloud
* Jubjub Blackjack
* Kacheek Seek
* Kacheekers
Kiko Match II
* Kiss the Mortog
* Krawps
* Lenny Conundrum
Meepit Juice Break
* Mystery Pic
* Neggsweeper
* Neopian Adventure Generator
* Neopoker
* NeoQuest
* NeoQuest II
* Petpet Battles
* Pick Your Own
* Plushie Tycoon
* Poetry Competition
Poogle Racing
* Potato Counter
* Pyramids
Rink Runner
Round Table Poker
* Sakhmet Solitaire
* Scarab 21
* Scorchy Slots
* Scratchcard Kiosk
* Sewage Surfer
* Shapeshifter
Skarl's Scramble
* Snow Wars
* Stamp Collector
* Storytelling
Sutek's Tomb
Test Your Strength
The Buzzer Game
The Castle of Eliv Thade
* The Neopian Lottery
* Tombola
* Treasure Maps
Toybox Escape
Trouble at the National Neopian
Tyrannian Mini Golf
* Tyranu Evavu
Ultimate Bullseye
* Vending Machine
Warf Rescue Team
Web of Vernax
* Wheel of Excitement
Wheel of Knowledge
Wheel of Monotony
Word Poker

Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:40 am

WOW! :o You really didn't have to do all that work! Thanks so much!! :D
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