ladyredhat wrote:
I can't even get past the first level, "Hannah". After getting Hannah to all 5 chests, the text appears and you hear the door open, but when I get her back to the door its NOT open, and also S key doesnt work to switch to the Bori.
I don't know about the door not opening, but you can switch characters by clicking on Armin or Hannah in the upper bar. You can see if that helps.
[quote=Illyria]i'm stuck on icy skeletal hordes theres 2 chests under a bomb box that theres no arrowto hit off and i cant seem to find a way in[/quote]
Do you mean 2 chests /above/ a metal bomb box? If so, then you need to activate the right arrow before the underwater up arrow.
All baddies in this game seem to be killable. Any pet walking slowly back and forth can be killed by Armin running into him (be careful, because if he hits on the wrong angle, the skeleton can kill him). Dropping boulders on baddies also works. This will be especially useful in Dig It!
And since I mentioned the level, I feel compulsed to modify archaic lyrics:
He a bad little Bori
Shut yo' mouth!
I'm just talkin' bout Armin.
I can dig it.
He's a complicated rat, and no one understands him but his woman. (Hannah)