Chaud wrote:
apranum wrote:
adam stated that they will release new games and a plot along with the hic tcg. I think there are 3 main villains,the gelert thief named kanrik, grarrl, and an acara thief named masilla which also discover the home of the boris.
How'd you find that out? Sounds like The Three for some reason....
Looks like a human-ized anubis. You think this could be the their Hannah helps?
Poor Hannah has done something rather silly... the shadowy figure that she helped out wasn't in distress at all, he was a thief, an evil thief.
Yea, I'd say this is Kanrik is the shadowy figure... mind you, he's the only one of the villains we've actually seen, I think. There's a full view of the card in one of the unreleased threads. It looks pretty good (not at all old or poorly coloured
Found it (originally posted by
Also, I think this is the Grarrl
apranum was talking about:
And the Acara thief, Masilla:
Looks like over 50 theives are looking for the Heart of the Mountain AKA the Gem.
Keeps the Boris alive during hibernation, eh? Obviously the Boris are being introduced through the end of their hibernation.
Undoubtedly the gem is within the tomb. The Heart of the Mountain. All the theives from the Theives' Guild must be after it, but as Kankrik's description is, he is the most sly and smartest, finding it first. WHat happens once he has it?