borovan90834 wrote:
Im just not sure what is answered and what isnt. If you could tell me specifically what you need to know I can pass it on to our legal gnomes and have them answer it...
OK, Borovan, you don't know the can of worms you just opened.
There are many, many unanswered questions. For example, if you buy from a shop having a 1 np sale, can you be frozen (such as the sale that went on in v team's shop a while back after a scammer took it over)? Can an account be shared by more than one person (such as a parent and child)? Can you submit one of your accounts for gallery spotlight, even if it isn't your main account, as long as you don't submit any other of your accounts? What exactly does "earn neopoints" mean?--In other words, I know you aren't allowed to restock on a side account, but are you allowed to resell on a side account? Are you allowed to give gifts away on the chats (in other words, a spontaneous act of giving without any strings attached--not the same thing as a "giveaway"). If a person is allowed to have a gallery and side accounts, what are the legal ways that they can move nps to those accounts--in other words, is it OK to send things to side accounts, or buy from the side account's shop, or move things via the auctions or the TP? Why couldn't I say the word "40+" in a neomail without being blocked by a filter--I was referring to my age. And why couldn't I say the word "yin" (as in yin and yang) while on my guild board?
And, hey, I have just scratched the surface here. I know that I will think of many more questions, as will my compadres here on PPT.
It is frustrating as heck to look and look and look for answers to your questions--perhaps they are stuck away in a news page from 2 years back or on the wall of shame or in a Neopian Editorial. Or perhaps, there is conflicting info out there--one area of Neopets says one thing while another area says something different. And, believe me, a lot of us have written to the staff for answers. Many of us, like myself, never got an answer. Others got conflicting answers or answers that were basically "I think it is OK" or "you probably could do that."
So, it would be so very nice if all of it were in black and white in one specific place on Neopets. Most internet sites have FAQ's--and they are extremely helpful.
And, I will bet that most of the players on Neopets would bend over backwards to try to obey the rules--they don't want to jeopardize their accounts by doing something that is against the rules.
And, as I said before, if all of the rules are in black and white, it might be easier for your staff members to determine what action warrants a warning and what action warrants a freezing--and what action is perfectly legit--instead of making up rules to suit the situation--as often appears to be the case. For example, two of my guild members recently quit their accounts after getting warnings--they were shaking in their boots just from the warnings. They moved valuables to a side account, said goodbye to precious pets, and then self-froze the account that had gotten the warning. One got a warning for over-reporting, yet she hadn't been on her account in weeks. The other got several warnings--all because she told someone on the chats the the price of their petpet was way too high.
I will consult with a few other PPTers and some of my guild members, make you up a list of unanswered questions, and PM it to you, OK? And, hey, thanks for taking the time to listen.
Maybe if you listed all the doubtful/gray areas of Neopets rules in an orderly, numbered manner, Adam would be more inclined to read through them and answer them accordingly.