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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:14 am 
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Iaran watched the Trainer enter, and bounced over to her, "Hiya! Oooh, lovely wolf friend you have. I'm Iaran, the loud hyper Thief, nice to meet you!" Iaran giggled nervously as the wolf gave her a cold stare, "eh, i'll be right back..."

Then Iaran ran over to Elily, and began to whimper, "I don't like wolves much, I hope I don't get on the bad side of her...."


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:36 am 
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It passed through Karmina's mind that if Iaran didn't learn how to stay in one place soon, the whole squad would have communication problems with her. Fortunately, it seemed Iaran was oblivious to her lack of concentration upon only one person at a time. No hurt feelings there, although you couldn't be sure if that was the same for the opposite party.

Dancing practice with Karmina might just be the thing to discipline Iaran some. Feeling slightly malicious, she entertained some ideas while waiting for the professor to answer her. She could easily go about it all wrong and teach Iaran things that she could never do, or do all wrong and thus be safe as the sole Songstress...

With a sigh, she knew she would never dare to do it although putting on an air of "I-know-more-than-you" was not impossible. After all, she had been training to be a Songstress since she could walk and talk. She had been listening to music since she was - well, before she was born even. Her parents had a belief that a pregnant woman could affect her unborn child by her actions. Listening to music happened to be one of them. She'd been watching dances and listening to all kinds of music before she even understood what it meant. Official training had begun at three and she was now fifteen.

It just wouldn't be fair if Iaran surpassed her even after all this time.


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:51 am 
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Realising that she had left many people in the middle of a conversation with her, Iaran wandered back to Karmina. Karmina sure knows alot about dancing, maybe I can practise with her today, just learn the start of something, or else I'll never learn how to help everyone else by dancing....

"Karmina, I know you probably wouldn't want to teach me anything, but could you give me a hand with my Songstress abilities. Maybe you could show me one of your dances, because I wouldn't want to learn the same ones as you, unless you want us to dance together of course..." Iaran quickly pulled out her Songstress sphere and changed, her revealing Thief outfit changing for her dancing gear. Twirling her microphone slightly she nudged Karmina, "what about it? Can you teach me anything, or should I learn by myself?"

((Yay! Songstress = dancing, dancing = hyper-active fun! (at least when Iaran's involved) Potions for all! :D ))


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 10:07 am 
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[Let me explain. You can only be in one job at a time. Meaning, if you are in Black Mage which is your second job and White Mage is your first job, you can only cast black magic spells. You automatically lose the ability to cast White Magic. There is no way to mix two jobs into one somehow. So, you can only perform moves or attacks from the job you're in.]

'Variety is always good. Having more than one job can be extremely useful at times. You don't have to master it, but don't hesitate to use it when in dire need,' the professor explained.

Elily hesitantly stepped in front. She touched the sphere which fascinated her the most - a glowing ball of glass, with nothing but a seemingly never ending swirl of darkness.

She lifted it out from the casket, and gazed deep into wonderingly, and absent-mindedly stepped back. She didn't want to transform yet. Not just yet. Maybe later, in the privacy of her room.

Meanwhile, Dila who had been spying all along, fumed in rage. It was bad enough that Elily got chosen, and she didn't, but to think that wretch got to have another job!

- Sweet set made by GlimmerFae-
"I wanted to change the world, but I changed nothing. That is my story." - Auron, FF X.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 10:37 am 
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"Oh, only in dire need!" Karmina whispered to herself, positively beaming. She was much happier when she turned her attention back to Iaran (whom she had been politely ignoring so she could hear the professor). For a fleeting moment, she entertained those thoughts about helping Iaran the wrong way.

She really didn't want Iaran to be better than her. But she really didn't want to be mean either and do something wrong. She felt torn.

I guess I'll just have to practice harder, she thought miserably. Oh, please don't let Iaran have a natural talent for this. Or worse, a genius for this.

"I'm afraid not here," she said, excusing herself out of it. "This isn't a great place to dance, I normally practice in - " She stopped herself, struggling upon deciding whether to tell Iaran where she practiced. Better not, they'd be leaving tomorrow anyway. " - anywhere made for dancing that's quiet." She nodded around the hall. "No barre or music player.

"Anyway," she went on, "there's too many people watching."

Admittedly, that was true. Karmina hated it when people watched her dance unless she had perfected every move. Her dancing was rather mechanical than spiritual which often made it seem like something was lacking, but one could not fault her without sounding like an idiot. Sometimes, Karmina did wonder why she could never dance like her mother could but she had put it down to being less experienced.

"We need to pack our stuff later. I'll teach you something on the way," she promised. If they were going to dance, she might as well teach her something vitally important for battling than something like... Ballad of the Lost Mermaids, she thought grimly. Why would that ever be useful? It was then she realised with some horror there would be a lot of music she would not be able to take. Her jaw dropped.


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 10:49 am 
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Iaran nodded, that makes sense, but she seems nervous, i wonder what's up?

"Are you okay Karmina? I mean, you don't mind me getting the Songstress sphere do you? 'Cause it is your mastery after all." Iaran pondered for a moment, twirling her microphone and bouncing a bit she suddenly realised something and got an idea.

"Ooo, you won't be able to bring music with you will you? But I have an idea, I'm not that great at dancing yet, but I can sing, kinda. Maybe I can learn some songs, and a bit of dancing, that way it'll benefit us both!"

Iaran started bouncing up and down merrily at the idea. How fun! This will be awesome!

((I'll probably make Iaran sing 1000 words and Real Emotion, lol, well I figured out something pretty ingenious eh?))


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 12:52 pm 
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Menai was struck with a sudden horror that she would end up with berserker. She cast a nervous glance around the room.

No! Not berserker!

Though she was tired of not being able to be attack, she didn't exactly want to turn into a fierce ball of fists and feet, either. No. She had to choose right now before Black Mage and Samurai were taken. She took a deep breath, and said,

"I - I think I'm ready to make my choice now." She sounded stupid. She felt stupid.

She stepped up to the casket and placed a trembling hand upon the sphere that held the miniature witch's hat. The sphere felt warm. She lifted it up, hardly daring to breath. And then, with a simple nod, she stepped back, tucking the sphere into an inside-pocket of her cloak.


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:20 pm 
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(Yesh, I'm gone half a day and this is what I get when I come back. Half a day! Stupid birthday. *Kicks*)

Mina was about to respond to Merlin when Professor Gildom called for the attention of the twelve newly chosen ones. She turned to listen to him, but Iaran caught her eye.

Oh, God. She thought to herself. It was only just now dawning upon her that Iaran had been chosen, too. Great. Just great. Now I'm going to have to deal with her the whole journey. Merlin was right, this is definitely going to be a long trip. She sighed, wishing badly now that she hadn't been chosen. There was no way on earth that she was going to be able to go about doing her new duties with that ridiculously hyper little twit around.

Mina turned around, trying to ignore Iaran. It's going to be okay, Mina. She told herself, taking a few deep breaths. You're just going to have to focus more, that's all. Just a little more of a challenge. She smiled broadly. She liked challenges.

Mina turned back to look at the professor again. He was now placing a casket before them and opening it up to reveal twelve new spheres, each holding a different job symbol inside and glittering fantastically. Mina stared at them in awe. How wonderful they were! They were so beautiful that Mina was almost hypnotized. Wow.

She listened carefully as Professor Gildom explained what the spheres were. Slowly, the other eleven members of the Squad stepped up to the casket and drew out a glimmering sphere.

Then it was Mina's turn. She was one of the last people to draw. Stepping up to the casket, just as everyone else had, she closed her hand around one of the spheres.

Stepping back, she opened her hand to observe the sphere closely. This one had a small human skull as the symbol. It revolved slowly inside of the sphere, its empty eye sockets gazing out at Mina, its mouth almost smiling. It seemed to say, "You made the right desicion." Mina nodded slightly, agreeing. Perhaps Samurai would fit her.


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:03 pm 
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((More spheres? More?! I didn't think the third sphere for everybody had been started to be given out. ))

Rosa held the glowing sphere cupped in her hands, her head was bent over it, eyes carefully scanning the vial inside.
Rosa, being Rosa, was very indesicive, mabye she hadn't made the right decision, mabye she wanted a different sphere.

She looked up in time to see Malea take...the samurai?!
A lump gathered in her throat, Rosa was samurai, and so had her mother trained as a samurai, and her mother before her...samurai was in Rosa's blood one could say.

Rosa could already hear her inner self start to moan and groan,
nooo, she's gonna be better than me...why? Then again, I guess some one had to choose it.


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:16 pm 
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(Er... Crow, I think that Lillie's character took the White Mage sphere a while back. I'm not sure, but... I think the only one left is Berserker. :wink: Sorry about that. (Not that Berserker is a bad job or anything.) And yes, it was my character (Mina) who took the Samurai sphere. My, is this ever confusing...)

Mina observed the other eleven people. Nearly everyone seemed to be examining their spheres closely. A few pocketed theirs, saving them for later. Mina looked back down at her sphere again. Should she use it now?

No, she decided. She wasn't sure why, really. It wasn't that she was afraid something would go horribly wrong or anything like that. How could something possibly go wrong? Besides, Iaran had already successfully used hers. If she had been able to do it, then surely Mina would be able to, too.

No, she wasn't sure what it was. Maybe it was just the prospect of changing. Once she used it, she would become a whole new person, ability wise, anyway. Perhaps later on that night she would slip out and use it in the privacy of an empty classroom. She would have to be careful, of course, to make sure she wasn't going to be spyed on again like before. She hated it when people watched her when she was trying to concentrate like that.

Yes, that was what she would do. She would go out that night and try things out. She would need a while to get the hang of her new job, so she would go out around midnight or something like that, just as soon as she was fairly sure everyone else would be in bed and fast asleep.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 12:28 am 
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((wasn't there a post about a second set of spheres??? Malea had the gunner one, first, then someone posted something about a second set...oh well, they must have taken it back. Malea has the gunner sphere.))
((im still confused on the spheres. doed the person compleatly forget their original power, or is it just a new one that is added.))

Malea put the sphere back in her pocket, and got up. She walked into the middle of the room, looking for someone to talk to. She felt silly standing in the middle of the room, alone. She looked at some people activating their spheres, and some people just looking at them. She saw Iaran dancing around the room. She walked over to a girl that was doing the same thing she was. Is her name Mina? i think it is...

She walked up to the girl. "hi, Mina is it? im Malea." She was getting kind of nervous.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 5:31 am 
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((Spherechanging, as it is in FFX-2, means that your character basically changes outfits, weapons and abilities. Eg. thief- can steal, is really fast, uses daggers; can change to songstress- sings and dances to provide aid or hinder opponents. Changing spheres means you lost the abilities you previously had))

Iaran wondered why people were reluctant to change, it was a new adventure, and a new experience, she wanted to make the most of it. And she certainly didn't care if someone else got the Thief sphere. She had lived most of her life in the streets, stealing things to survive, being parentless.

But if someone else wanted to learn the Thief's abilities, she'd be glad to teach them; after all it wasn't like they were becoming her, or learning the same things and ways that she had. And to have another person knowing what it was like to be Thief, or to use a Thief's abilities, she felt honoured!


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 7:32 am 
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[Clarification time! ^_^ ]

[We are only getting our second sphere. ;) Third job will only come further on in the RP, not for some time.]

[You can switch back and forth your two jobs. Just say you have Black Mage and White Mage. When you're in Black Mage, you CANNOT use any White Mage abilities. Vice versa for White Mage. ]

[Lillie's character took the White Mage sphere a long time ago.]

[The jobs left, if I remember correctly are Thief and Berserker.]

- Sweet set made by GlimmerFae-
"I wanted to change the world, but I changed nothing. That is my story." - Auron, FF X.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 8:32 am 
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.:Glass Miracle:. wrote:
[The jobs left, if I remember correctly are Thief and Berserker.]

[I thought Thief had been taken.]

[Responding to Iaran.]

Karmina closed her little round mouth quickly. "Oh, nothing's the matter," she said quickly, too quickly. Backtracking on what she said, she explained, "It's just I was thinking about a few personal problems, not a big deal."

She averted her gaze from Iaran. Iaran be a Songstress? No, Karmina was not okay with it, but from the sounds of it she would have to be okay with it whether she liked it or not. I'll just have to be better, she thought grimly. But as for Iaran singing the music... Karmina could not help the grimace on her face appear. How could anyone impersonate a whole orchestra? she thought dryly. Even Karmina's mother could not do that.

Avoiding the topic again, she looked back. "I just want to get back to my room," she explained. "Too many things to take in and do, I need some time to let this sink in."

[Who are we waiting for? *itching to move on*]

[Edit: Found it, it's WittySquirrel. *pleased with self*

On another note, may I have permission from GC to delete the confusing posts about the new sets of spheres that we don't have?]


Last edited by Lillie on Wed Jun 16, 2004 9:13 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 8:55 am 
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((Thief is already taken by Kira.))

((Ok, I am sorry for my absence, I put it in my signature, but apparently, this didn't turn up in my old posts. I was gone for a few days on vacation.))

When Iaran hopped away, Merlin raised one brow. "Interesting."

Logically, he saw a problem turning up with Iaran in the team. If she was like this all the time, it could give troubles during battles or undercover missions.

He looked around, up to the others. He ought to check them out, since he liked to know with what kind of people he was in the team. It was only practical. There were some younger then him, but also a small group of the same age.

"Gunmage," he mused, stepping back to the others. He realised the berserker sphere was still left. He looked at Menai, the White Mage of the team.

"Your name is... ?" He finally asked her.

Set by WIS!

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