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 Post subject: PPTMAC October
PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 9:49 pm 
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Ah, October, the month when people young and old alike cosplay and collect free candy in the middle of the night!
And off that...October's PPTMAC theme is:
Any kind of fantasy (keep it clean though).

Das Rules (read them, there's new stuff):
1. Remember, you can enter art of any media: traditional sketches, poetry, short stories, photography, etc.. Not sure what you did is art? Ask me or ahoteinrun.
2. In this thread, art related discussion only. No "I'm going to enter," no "what great entries!" If you have an actual critique of someone's entry (one that consists of at least more than a single opinion), go ahead and post it if you're so inclined.
3. Entries must be submitted along with an Entry Form (below). Any entries that are not accompanied by a COMPLETE entry form (Extra Comments excluded) will not be accepted.
4. Only one entry per member. Members may change their entry a maximum of two times.
5. Entries must be your own work. If you are caught submitting work that is not your own, you will be banned from posting in the Gallery. If you have any questions about this, ask me or ahoteinrun.

Entry Form:
Title of Your Work:
Media/Program/Type of Camera:
Time Taken (includes preparation):
Please give a short description of what inspired you to make this piece:
Please give a short description of what's going on in this piece (who, what, where, when, why?):
Please give a short description of why you beleive your entry relates to this month's theme:
Extra Comments: (Not required)

1st Place: 75,000 np
2nd Place: 50,000 np
3rd Place: 30,000 np
Judge's Choice: Anubis
Funniest Entry: Boween
Scariest Entry: Drackonack
Cutest Entry: Snowbunny

Deadline for Entries: Oct. 27, 2004 (Wednesday)


Last edited by Marissa on Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 10:04 pm 
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Title of Your Work: Cool Dragon Slayer
Media/Program/Type of Camera: Paint
Time Taken (includes preparation): Umm... the idea? a good few hours. The execution? A good five minutes.
Please give a short description of what inspired you to make this piece: You did Marissa. You're my muse.
Please give a short description of what's going on in this piece (who, what, where, when, why?): This is Kool Dude the dragon slayer. Obviously he has slain a dragon (whoops! Forgot to put blood on the sword). He must have used his mighty strength (as you can tell from his buffed up arms. Boo yah!) to kill the mighty dragon... named... Frank! Yeah... Frank... thats it.
Please give a short description of why you beleive your entry relates to this month's theme: Theres a dead dragon and a sword. DUH! Thats so Fantasy!
Extra Comments: (Not required) Marissa is so kool!

Evisceration is a sign of respect.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 2:15 pm 
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Location: Far, far away. With cows and windmills.
I'll never beat ahoteinrun, but here's my entry:

Title of Your Work: Only a Horse
Media/Program/Type of Camera: colored pencils (I love 'em!)
Time Taken (includes preparation): 2 days
Please give a short description of what inspired you to make this piece: this contest mainly... I wanted to draw an elf or faerie and then Black Velvet was playing on the radio so I decided to add a black horse :P
Please give a short description of what's going on in this piece (who, what, where, when, why?): An elf girl walking through the woods, looking for a dragon or something, pulling her sword, not knowing that it's only a horse coming out of the bushes. Yup, very logical. :)
Please give a short description of why you believe your entry relates to this month's theme: it's an elf, and she's going to kill a dragon ;)
Extra Comments: (Not required) I was too lazy to look for an example for the horse, so I drew it from scratch... And I can't draw humans :oops:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 11:45 pm 
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well here I am again but this time I am totally confident in my work.

Title of Your Work:
Media/Program/Type of Camera: Sketched in Paint then worked in Photoshop 6

Time Taken (includes preparation):
I honestly don't know because I intended to use this line art for a gaia adoptable so I had to make it perfect. I've been working on it for a few months so straight throught I'd say 50+ hours (a extreme amount of time for me to work on lineart)

Please give a short description of what inspired you to make this piece:
well I've always had an obsession with hawks and horses and when I read about hippogryphs I had to draw one (or two or three or four.. <3 ) and this one turned out exactly as I imagine them.

Please give a short description of what's going on in this piece (who, what, where, when, why?):
This was meant to be taken as a page out of Fantasic Beasts and Where to Find Them (it's harry potter related if your wondering). I was going to do the whole page layout with all of the text but I didn't think it would do the picture justice so I left it this way. Since I had intened to make it look like a candid nature photo I wanted it to be set on a rocky mountain side.

Please give a short description of why you beleive your entry relates to this month's theme: To me fantasy relates not only to the hippogryph being a mythical creature but to the book which inspired me to draw this (Harry Potter and The Prisioner of Azkaban).

Extra Comments: Well not only do I love this piece because it is one of the best I'ver ever done in photoshop but because I have a horrable artist block for rocks and these seem to be recognisable as such. If any one has any tips or crits about this, I'll be making a post of my own with this so please post! hope you guys like this :)

PS: I will most likely be submitting this to the neopets gallery. do wish me luck!
PSS: tomatie, I love your piece, the shading is absolutely beautiful. 8)

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 6:28 pm 
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Here's my entry.. for now (if I ever draw the one pic I want to *sighs*)



Pencil Sketch, Scanned & colored with Adobe Photodeluxe

Time Taken:
Total hours actually working on the pic=7hours

Inspiration for the pic:
Everquest 2 Character Creation program, EQ2 game, EQ2 message boards

Description of the pic:
It's a half elf monk character right after a brutal fight with an orc. Although she's injured.. she's ready to pounce on anyone else who steps in her way.
((She's the character I plan on making whenever EQ2 comes out))

Why it relates to this months theme:
Well.. can't get much more fantasy than a half elf running around in leather armor all bloody up'd after a battle with an orc :P heh

Extra Comments:
Erm.. nothing much other than..... I hope alot more people are going to enter :)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 5:20 pm 
PPT Warrior
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»Entry Form
»Title of Your Work: Mooglicious
»Media/Program/Type of Camera: Sketch
»Time Taken: 1 hour
»Please give a short description of what inspired you to make this piece: I have a bit of a obsession with moogles, and finally decided to draw one.
»Please give a short description of what's going on in this piece: Not much is going on, its just a moogle flying.
»Please give a short description of why you beleive your entry relates to this month's theme: The moogle shows up alot in Final Fantasy games, and its not something you see everyday.
»Extra Comments: Its just so dam fat and cute :P

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 12:24 am 

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Ze Story

<b>Title of Your Work:</b> Color of her skin
<b>Media/Program/Type of Camera:</b> LJ? I wrote it in LJ, so I guess that's abou tit.
<b>Time Taken (includes preparation):</b> Hmmah.. half an hour? Fourty-five minutes? Somewhere 'round there.
<b>Please give a short description of what inspired you to make this piece:</b> Well, I try to write a short story of some sort daily. This was my first one, actually. I happen to like it because it's a twist on the racism that we have today- it's flip-flopped. It was just a random idea that came to me, though part of the inspiration likely came from something I read in a McCaffrey book. :P
<b>Please give a short description of what's going on in this piece:</b> A young girl (name is not given) is at her first day of high school. She is upset because she does not fit in with her peers--her skin is peach. Until she bumps into a boy who's skin is brown, and her opinion begins to change.
<b>Please give a short description of why you believe your entry relates to this month's theme:</b> Well. It's definately fantasy. The chances of you finding someone with naturally purple skin is very small. It's based on a real planet--Neptune--but in a made up world.
<b>Extra Comments:</b> It's short, and it's meant to be short. It doesn't give you much detail, and there's virtually no plot. But that's not the point. It's more of a "moral" story, with a weird and funny twist.

 Post subject: Re: PPTMAC October
PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:04 pm 
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Location: Come on, newbie.
Title of Work: All Hallows Eve
Media/Program/Type of Camera: All done in Paint shop pro 7, with a mouse i might add
Time Taken: Hmm. Must have been about 4-5 hours. I dont really time my work, I just decide to do it and refuse to stop until its done.
Inspiration: Well, Halloween is wicked. Its one of my favourite holidays, possibly more than christmas. I also saw Janie do a fantabulous moonlit scene and I was heavily influenced by that kind of idea.
The 411: Essentially, its a baby buzz with some face-paint on, wearing an "Adam (of TNT)" costume. You can probably see something of the humour in a fantasy creature wearing a human costume? Hopefully!
Relation to theme: Well, Halloween basically has roots in the belief in ghosts and spirits (fantasy) and I guess for me this fits in with the fantasy theme
Extra Comments: Apologies if using something I did last year is illegal or if it doesn't fit quite within the box of "fantasy."

Re-entry from last year, woot.


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 4:20 pm 
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Title of Your Work: Faith
Media/Program/Type of Camera: Pencil drawing, photographed (Casio Exilim 3.2 Mp, as I don't have access to a scanner), colored with Adobe Photoshop 7.0
Time Taken: I'd say about 6-7 hours.
Please give a short description of what inspired you to make this piece: Well, I was sitting in my room, being rather bored, so I started to draw a face, and I have an obsession with pointy elf-ears, so this is basically a result of random drawing. After that I put some finishing touches to it, to give it something personal, this came mostly from my own feeling at the time.
Please give a short description of what's going on in this piece: The girl in the picture is simply looking up into the night sky with joy in her heart, because she knows that whatever is up there is by her side wherever she goes, protecting and guiding her through life.
Please give a short description of why you believe your entry relates to this month's theme: Basically the looks of the girl, with her pointy ears and arrow case on her back; this gives a fantasy feeling to it all.
Extra Comments: I can't say I'm good at coloring pictures, but I gave it my best shot :) I think the deeper meaning that the drawing has though is very touching.

Set by everconfused

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:56 am 
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Location: Meh.

Title of Work: BP.
Media/Program/Type of Camera: This was done in my sketchbook and coloured with a few pencils I'd recently found at the bottom of my drawer. Shows you how glamourous a life I lead, doesn't it?
Time Taken: About thirty minutes. As a rule, anything I spend over an hour on is bordering on obsessive.
Inspiration: Based on a real-life couple of Brett, who would like to believe he has the personality of a red-hot dragon... but is really more passive... and his girlfriend, Penelope, who is likened in many ways to a Fairy. Yes, I spelt it Fairy. That's how normal people spell it. :P
The 411: It's just the dragon reaching out for the Fairy, who's teasingly just out of reach.
Relation to theme: They're both mythological, and fantasy creatures.
Extra Comments: When I showed this to Brett, he recognized himself instantly. That's gotta be a compliment. :)

 Post subject: aha
PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 5:19 pm 
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Title of Your Work:
Pimpin' Finativ

Media: India Ink, Colored Ink, applied with quill pen.

Time Taken:
20 minutes to sketch, an hour to ink, hour and a half to color.

Please give a short description of what inspired you to make this piece:
I draw critters. It's what I do.

Please give a short description of what's going on in this piece:

Finativ is simply posing off his bright self.

Please give a short description of why you beleive your entry relates to this month's theme:

He's a creature of the imagination...

Extra Comments:
Nanu Nanu

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:51 am 
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Just a reminder, two more days to submit your work! Prizes! Whee?


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 12:02 am 
Beyond Godly
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Done at last!

Title of Your Work: Random Picture of Ayuma and Yin No. 5
Media/Program/Type of Camera: Drawn on paper with a no. 2 mechanical pencil, inked with a thin black crayola marker, colored in Adobe Photoshop Elements.
Time Taken (includes preparation): 6 hours
Please give a short description of what inspired you to make this piece: Ayuma and Yin are two characters from the story I'm writing, and since dragons were getting knocked so much in this contest, I wanted to put in something with dragons in it.
Please give a short description of what's going on in this piece (who, what, where, when, why?): Ayuma Kagaoto and his dear friend Yin Atsumara, both of whom are gifted with the ability to turn into dragons at will, share a quiet moment together as Yin realizes that her home has been destroyed.
Please give a short description of why you beleive your entry relates to this month's theme: Dragons are creatures that come up in fantasy. Yesh. Anyone who says they're imaginary shall feel the wrath of my stick!
Extra Comments: *moseys along to do the history homework she put off by coloring this :P *


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:02 am 
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Location: That man was wearing a racoon... ... eeping.png

Here for full version:

Title of Your Work: Revenge of the Mothman!

Media/Program/Type of Camera: Photoshop 7.0

Time Taken (includes preparation): 4-8 hours

Please give a short description of what inspired you to make this piece: I had finished watching the Mothman Chronicles or something. I also have a very strange imagination.

Please give a short description of what's going on in this piece (who, what, where, when, why?): There is a very deformed man with wings jutting from his brain, and he is creepy. He is very creepy.

Please give a short description of why you beleive your entry relates to this month's theme: Do you really expect to see this in real life? Besides, my Halloween fantasies are my favourites.

PPT Gallery Rules wrote:
Please don't post overly large works. If a piece of art is large (Over 450 pixels wide or 700 pixels tall or over 700kb in size), please make a thumbnail or text link to the larger version. If a piece of writing is long (Over 1000 words), please post an offsite link.

Accomplishments: Banana Jelly Flotsam, Yellow Koi Morphing Potion, White Flotsam Morphing Potion, Plushie Flotsam Morphing Potion, Desert Blumaroo Morphing Potion, etc.

You can throw a neomail my way at my account, arcticshadow!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:35 pm 
PPT Toddler
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Here's my entry. I hope I got it in in time. I was having technical difficulties.

Title of Your Work: Diamondia
Media/Program/Type of Camera: Gelatin silver print 11 x 14, taken with a Nikon N70 on Tri-x 400 B&W film
Time Taken (includes preparation): about 2 hours of planning and prep, 2 hours for the photo shoot, 3 hours start to finish for developing, printing, and fixing, so 7 hours total.
Please give a short description of what inspired you to make this piece: I wanted to do a photo shoot of something out of the ordinary and I've always loved the fantasy world. I had a story running around in my head for quite a while and decided to turn it into something visual.
Please give a short description of what's going on in this piece (who, what, where, when, why?): The setting is 1000 years after the death of King Arthur. A descendent of Merlin, named Diamondia, had taken it upon herself to find the missing sword, Excalibur. This image is of Diamondia pulling the sword out of the dried lake bed where it was returned to upon King Arthur's death, to the Lady of the Lake.
Please give a short description of why you beleive your entry relates to this month's theme: The idea and image are based on the legend of King Arthur and the story is complete fantasy, having no basis on reality or history at all.
Extra Comments: (Not required) If anyone is interested in the whole story or images you can visit a website I dedicated to it

Image ImageImage
Set me. Proud owner of a very hyper Australian Shepherd.

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