well here I am again but this time I am totally confident in my work.
Title of Your Work:
Media/Program/Type of Camera: Sketched in Paint then worked in Photoshop 6
Time Taken (includes preparation):
I honestly don't know because I intended to use this line art for a gaia adoptable so I had to make it perfect. I've been working on it for a few months so straight throught I'd say 50+ hours (a extreme amount of time for me to work on lineart)
Please give a short description of what inspired you to make this piece:
well I've always had an obsession with hawks and horses and when I read about hippogryphs I had to draw one (or two or three or four..

) and this one turned out exactly as I imagine them.
Please give a short description of what's going on in this piece (who, what, where, when, why?):
This was meant to be taken as a page out of Fantasic Beasts and Where to Find Them (it's harry potter related if your wondering). I was going to do the whole page layout with all of the text but I didn't think it would do the picture justice so I left it this way. Since I had intened to make it look like a candid nature photo I wanted it to be set on a rocky mountain side.
Please give a short description of why you beleive your entry relates to this month's theme: To me fantasy relates not only to the hippogryph being a mythical creature but to the book which inspired me to draw this (Harry Potter and The Prisioner of Azkaban).
Extra Comments: Well not only do I love this piece because it is one of the best I'ver ever done in photoshop but because I have a horrable artist block for rocks and these seem to be recognisable as such. If any one has any tips or crits about this, I'll be making a post of my own with this so please post! hope you guys like this
PS: I will most likely be submitting this to the neopets gallery. do wish me luck!
PSS: tomatie, I love your piece, the shading is absolutely beautiful.