I'm rather upset about 'Are you going to kill any more characters?' for some reason. Yes, yes, either Harry or Voldemort, or both, has/have to die, but it's quiet obvious that she meant that a character other than them.
Which really, really sucks, as I like all the characters, now that Sirius is gone. Lucius Malfoy is so delightfully evil, Ron's the typical teenaged boy (which is why I love his character), Draco's just an utter slimeball, but a very nicely written slimeball, and very complex.
I won't mind all too much if Dumbledore dies, though, as I'm not too attached to him.
But I will sob my eyes out until they have dried into tiny little dried thingies the size of peanuts, when/if Lucius or Ron dies.
I suspect it will be Ron, though that would be horrible, because he's Harry's best friend and he's supposed to end up with Hermione and if JKR manages to kill Ron off and actually keep the books going without a loss of quality, then she's even more of a goddess and I will make a shrine to her.
So yes. I do not want ickle Ronniekins to die.
And then there's the answer to the FAQ poll:
JKR wrote:
What did Dumbledore's Howler to Aunt Petunia mean? ('Remember my last'?)
Well, it is a relief to move on after the Mark Evans fiasco. This time, two out of the three poll questions had interesting answers (or so I think) and thank goodness you chose one of them.
So: Dumbledore is referring to his last letter, which means, of course, the letter he left upon the Dursleys' doorstep when Harry was one year old. But why then (you may well ask) did he not just say 'remember my letter?' Why did he say my last letter? Why, obviously because there were letters before that…
Now let the speculation begin, and mind you type clearly, I'll be watching...
Once again, that woman makes me feel incredibly stupid. Remember my last, indeed.
So let's start speculating, hypothesizing, theorizing and the like, as JKR said so and that means we must.
So if there were letters before...
A theory that come to mind is the Petunia being part of the Order, as a muggle, or being a former member of the Order, perhaps having left upon Lily and James' deaths, as she might have realised how destructive magic is, and how dangerous it could be against someone like her, a muggle. Or if she simply used to communicate with Dumbledore, about various things, such as her family's protection against ill-meaning wizards.
Or something like that.
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