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 Post subject: Aliens VS Predator *Spoilers obviously*
PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 10:17 pm 
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They had to invent whole new ways of being wrong and bad just to make this film. This is probably the only cinematic achievement they made.

Alien Ressurrection was really bad. Yeah it was entertaining in a stupid way, but it was bad. Predator 2 was suprisingly good. A rare thing in sequel land.

But this..

Paul W.S. Anderson needs his head checking. And hes a Geordie un'all :cry:

I dont really want to write any sort of a review for this film because frankly, it just doesnt deserve it. Instead Im just going to list a few of the bits that made me seethe inwardly. I wont take them all. Add em if you got em ;

    1) The opening sequence that was blatantly stolen from MI2.

    2) The Bargain Basement cast that didnt add class or lend to the feature in atmosphere in any way.

    3) That Lance Henriksen decided to cheapen himself once again. SOMEBODY JUST STOP THE MAN!!

    4) That they made a huge deal about the pyramid being in the most inhospitable place in the antarctic, but the heroine was able to run around in a cotton vest and jeans, at night, in winter, for about 15 minutes without even shivering.

    5) The "Lets be friends and kick some Alien tush!" scene.

Please dont let them make a sequel :cry:


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 10:28 pm 
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Eww, Predator 2. I didn't like that at all. 1 was much better IMO. On the AVP subject: It looks cool, I'd watch it.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 1:25 am 
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I have yet to hear any good things from Alien and/or Predator fans about AVP. I myself am a fan of neither, so I'm doubly glad that I didn't see this humdinger ^^

The only good reviews I've heard on AVP came from my female friends whose significant others decided to drag them along... go figure ^^'


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 3:07 am 
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I've already said in the disappointment thread on how I didn't like the movie.

But seriously.. we all knew it was going to be bad... definetly can't be as good as P1 or A1&2...

They just didn't do good with the movie.. it's like they rushed through it just to get it out in time to make a buncha money.. ya know?

It could've been an awesome movie... if they had actually gotten people who cared about making it good instead of getting a few bucks in their wallets.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 4:17 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Its being realeased here to coincide with an Anime convention (probably in the vague hopes of getting people to go see it since they'll be in Welly) on September 23rd. I'll see it probably just for the Aliens.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 1:00 pm 
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I'm waiting for the Director's Cut version. :P

Faith is often the boast of the man who is too lazy to investigate. ~ F.M. Knowles

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:02 pm 
Beyond Godly
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make a film of prey, has it all, aliens, predetors, big guns, lots (and lots, and lots and lots) of people dying, acid blood, plasma cannons, all of it.

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